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El Centro Workplace Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Workplace sexual harassment can involve a range of actions and is any unwelcome verbal or physical sexually explicit comments or advances, requests for sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual nature. The harassment creates a hostile work environment and can often affect your ability to handle your duties.

The federal and state governments prohibit the behavior in the workplace and allow victims to hold the place of business responsible when they fail to stop it from occurring. Speak to a qualified El Centro workplace sexual harassment lawyer at Walter Clark Legal Group to learn more and schedule a consultation if you need help with a case.

Sexual Harassment Types

While harassment can come in many forms, federal and state laws place sexual harassment within two primary groups. According to the California Government Code § 12940, the two types include the following:

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid pro quo harassment occurs when businesses make employment decisions, such as hiring, promoting, or firing workers, based on accepting or rejecting sexual advances. Men or women can be guilty of violating the law, and it often involves someone in management or supervisor positions using their power to influence workers to participate in sexual activities.

Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment refers to unwelcome sexual conduct or harassment to intimidate others. It may include offensive or derogatory remarks or comments, explicit photographs, or any sexual abuse, creating a hostile atmosphere at work that harms the individual’s ability to handle their job duties. An El Centro workplace sexual harassment attorney could review the case and help determine the best strategy for filing the case and holding the liable party responsible.

Employer Retaliation

The federal and state laws further prohibit employers from retaliating against workers who seek relief in sexual harassment cases. That refers to taking any actions against employees to speak out or file a complaint. Retaliation is a violation of a worker’s rights to report or oppose sexual harassment without fear or repercussions. Some examples of employer retaliation include the following:

  • Demoting or terminating the individual after reporting or filing a case
  • Giving workers false and negative performance reviews
  • Isolation from colleagues or subjecting the victim to scrutiny
  • Increased monitoring or unjustified disciplinary actions
  • Spreading false information or rumors and defaming the victim of sexual harassment

Retaliation can occur in response to formal or informal complaints or concerns, and employees may take legal action against their employer.

The Steps to Take

After someone experiences sexual harassment at work, there are steps they should take to protect themselves, including:

  • Review their employee handbook for information regarding sexual harassment
  • Submit a formal and written complaint to their supervisor, manager, or human resource department
  • Preserve and collect all documentation and evidence of the harassment, such as pictures, emails, or notes of what happened
  • Follow up with the complaint and investigation as needed
  • Be aware and collect evidence of employer retaliation if applicable

Finally, contacting a workplace sexual harassment lawyer in El Centro could help victims protect their rights and reach a just outcome.

Contact a Seasoned Workplace Sexual Harassment Attorney in El Centro

Sexual harassment at work is unlawful and a form of gender discrimination. While sometimes, the acts can be evident immediately, sometimes, there is an ongoing pattern of behavior.

Business owners have a legal obligation to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment free of violence and sexual harassment. When they fail to comply with federal and state laws, you have the right to hold them legally and financially responsible. Schedule an appointment with an experienced El Centro workplace sexual harassment lawyer at Walter Clark Legal Group to review your case and options.

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Walter Clark Legal Group