Legal Name of Organization Applying: * (Should be same as on IRS determination letter and as supplied on IRS Form 990)
Principle Address: *
City: *
State/Prov: *
Postal Code: *
Mailing Address (if different from Principle Address)
Phone Number: *
Fax Number:
Email: *
Website: *
Executive Director/CEO: *
Organization is tax-exemp under IRS Code 501c3
Program Area Served (check only one box) *
EducationCivic & CommunityArts & CultureHealth & Human Services
Geographical Areas Served (check all that apply) *
Palm SpringsRancho MirageCathedral CityDesert Hot SpringsPalm DesertThousand PalmsIndioIndian WellsApple ValleyAdelantoHesperiaCrestlineHighlandBarstowSan BernardinoBig Bear LakeRialtoFontanaColtonBloomingtonLoma LindaRedlandsRancho CucamongaImperialCalexicoMexicali, MexicoBrawleyOther
Donation Request Instructions
Please answer all questions with complete information.
Project/Program/Event Title: *
Type of Project: *
Event/SponsorshipProgramGeneral Financial SupportSpecial NeedOther
Date of Event: *
Location of Event: *
Total Project/Program/Event Cost: $ *
Request Amount: *
Amount Raised to Date: *
Deadline by which the WCLG must commit in order to be listed as a sponsor in all printed materials: *
Please state how the funds will be directed, should the WCLG fulfill your request: *
If the WCLG fulfills your request, will you be able to provide data of results, and how the money was spent?: *
Please attach the following information
One page event/project budget
Source of other funds to support this project
Objectives of project to be funded
Attach a signed IRS Form W9
Print Your Name *
Primary Contact
Name *
Phone *
Walter Clark Legal Group