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Victorville Wrongful Death Case Process

In the immediate aftermath of a loved one’s fatal accident, the idea of adding civil litigation to your plate can understandably seem less than appealing. On top of the additional heartache and stress that this sort of claim can result in, it can be difficult to understand what filing a wrongful death lawsuit actually entails.

There is no substitute for the support of a compassionate wrongful death attorney when it comes to handling the Victorville wrongful death case process in a proactive and effective way. That said, it can also be helpful to know at least broadly what to expect from the process as a whole before it formally begins. So, here is a brief overview of how claims of this nature typically progress.

Investigating the Fatal Accident and Collecting Evidence

Before formally filing suit or even making a demand for compensation after a wrongful death, it is vital to conduct an independent investigation into the accident as well as the circumstances surrounding the decedent’s death. Besides determining whether there are strong grounds to build a claim around in the first place, this stage of the wrongful death case process in Victorville is key to preserving and collecting evidence that will be relevant during the later stages of the case.

Discovery and Other Pre-Trial Proceedings

After making an initial settlement demand or formally filing suit over a wrongful death, the next step in the process is going through “discovery.” As a qualified legal professional can further explain, this entails both sides of a civil dispute sharing information and evidence with each other so that everyone has a clear picture of:

  • The issue(s) under dispute
  • What arguments the other side will try to make
  • What kinds of things the plaintiff(s) will seek civil compensation for

Settlement Negotiations

After discovery concludes, there will generally be multiple rounds of settlement talks between all parties involved in the claim, sometimes with assistance from a third-party mediator. However, it is worth noting that settlement negotiations can only work if everyone approaches this stage of the Victorville wrongful death claim process in good faith. A refusal by one or both sides to be truthful with important details or fair about offered terms can quickly lead to talks breaking down.

Trial in Civil Court

If the two-year filing deadline for wrongful death cases is approaching and no settlement agreement has been reached, the final stage in the case process may be formally filing suit and progressing that lawsuit through the civil court system. In theory, this stage is supposed to end with a final verdict being passed down by a civil court judge, but it is still possible to make a private settlement agreement up until the moment a judge renders a verdict.

A Victorville Attorney Could Offer Guidance Throughout the Wrongful Death Case Process

Even if you have strong grounds for a claim, going through the Victorville wrongful death case process is never an enjoyable experience. However, it does not have to be an overly stressful or complicated one if you know what to expect from it going in and if you have support from skilled legal professionals throughout your legal proceedings.

A seasoned wrongful death lawyer from Walter Clark Legal Group could go into more detail about your legal options during a confidential consultation. Schedule yours by calling today.

Walter Clark Legal Group

Walter Clark Legal Group