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Common Causes of Slip and Falls in Palm Springs

Stumbling, slipping, tripping, or otherwise losing traction or missing a step can lead to slip and fall accidents. While the name includes the word slip, the slip is not actually a necessary part of the accident—losing balance and falling is. Many things can lead to these accidents, so identifying the common causes of slip and falls in Palm Springs can help people take steps to keep themselves safe.

Some people fall because they choose the wrong footwear, get too intoxicated, or make bad choices, like intentionally walking on ice. Those incidents are unlikely to lead to another person being liable for the injuries. Those falls are not under the umbrella of personal injury law because they are not due to someone else’s negligence. Instead, to examine reasons for slip and fall lawsuits, it is essential to examine scenarios where a third party might be liable for one’s injuries.

Injuries from Falls

Everyone falls multiple times in their lifetime. Fortunately, most of the time falls do nothing more than lead to some scrapes, bumps, and bruises, along with a healthy dose of embarrassment.

It can be easy to forget that falls have the potential for serious injuries. Victims may suffer from:

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries

Falls are especially hazardous for physically vulnerable people, such as older adults, who may be prone to broken bones. Anyone caring for a vulnerable person or regularly serving them in a business establishment should make sure the premises are free of the common causes of slip and fall accidents in Palm Springs.

Slipping Hazards

Since the category of injury starts with slips, it makes sense to cover slippery surfaces first. Anything wet, slippery, or slick contributes to the likelihood that someone will lose their footing and fall. Slippery surfaces have less traction. A person’s footwear may contribute to the lack of traction, but people have a reasonable expectation that surfaces—especially in commercial establishments—will be safe for walking.

Property owners need to be on the lookout for things that can make the floors slippery and take care of those issues as soon as possible. Tracked-in water, ceiling links, and spilled drinks are all familiar sources of slippery surfaces. In some areas, icy steps are an issue, but they are not generally an issue in Palm Springs. However, the flip side is that property owners in Palm Springs may be less prepared to deal with them than with other common slip and fall causes.

Trip and Falls

While we call them slip and falls, trip and falls actually account for a large percentage of fall accidents. Anything that makes a surface uneven or treacherous can lead to trip and fall accidents. Some of the likely culprits include:

  • Loose rugs
  • Uneven sidewalks or floors
  • Cracks in the sidewalk or floor
  • Potholes
  • Loose floorboards
  • Debris on the ground
  • Extension cords or electrical cords

Property owners must keep their ground smooth and free from obstructions. When that is impossible, they should warn people of the hazard and block it when possible. Doing so can help people avoid one of the familiar sources of falls in Palm Springs. Failing to do so can leave property owners liable for any resulting accidents.

Talk to a Palm Springs Attorney to Learn More About the Common Causes of Slip and Falls

Proving negligence after a slip and fall can be challenging. You have to do more than prove that you fell—you have to prove that someone else’s negligence caused or contributed to the fall. An experienced attorney from Walter Clark Legal Group could help you establish a case. It all starts with investigating the common causes of slip and falls in Palm Springs. Call now to get started.

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Walter Clark Legal Group