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Banning Car Accident Lawyer

When negligent or drunk drivers cause collisions, state law allows victims to hold them accountable in a court of law. When you are injured in a crash, filing a lawsuit may enable you to recoup your lost wages, hospital expenses, or pain and suffering. An experienced Banning car accident lawyer can help you prepare your case for filing and go to court on your behalf.

Our personal injury firm helps people injured in vehicle accidents by advocating for their best interests in court. We seek to understand a person by first building trusted relationships with them so we can provide effective legal representation.

When Do You Have to File a Motor Vehicle Case?

State law has different deadlines for when victims need to file their car crash cases. When the person sues because of physical injuries, they usually have two years to file a claim. When the reason for the lawsuit is physical damage to a car, victims may have three years to bring suit.

In some situations, a person may have less time to bring an auto wreck claim. Those wishing to sue the government (e.g., over a poorly maintained road that caused an accident) may have just six months to file a claim. Furthermore, they may have to go through an administrative process before presenting their case against the government in court.

Car accident lawyers in Banning support an injured person by investigating their cases and explaining how long they have to file a suit. We can also help them navigate the stages of an injury lawsuit and negotiate a fair settlement. Our attorneys also advocate for an injured person’s best interests in court to maximize their odds of winning their claim.

Determining Fault in a Car Collision Lawsuit

Establishing fault in a motor vehicle accident often involves looking at the sequence of events leading to the crash. For example, the court may examine things like:

  • Whether someone was speeding
  • If someone was under the influence of alcohol or substances
  • What the weather was like
  • How far apart the cars were before the crash
  • Who had the right of way

When the accident involved multiple cars, the court may look to see if one of the drivers rear-ended another one, causing a second collision. The injured person can help support their damages claim by filing the suit on time and having sufficient evidence to show the other driver is to blame.

Banning auto wreck attorneys investigate cases to locate the best evidence to establish liability. We could research the law and find appropriate avenues to increase compensation. Finally, our lawyers know what arguments tend to be successful in court and which may fall flat.

A Car Crash Attorney Serving Banning Can Help

When you are in a motor wreck, you know how challenging it can be to know where to turn and who to trust in the aftermath of a collision. State law allows you to pursue legal damages, but you may need help figuring out where to start. A car crash attorney could help you quantify your losses, shape a case against the at-fault driver, and explain the legal process.

Our attorneys are effective advocates for those injured in a crash. We serve as a legal resource and guide, helping you feel supported and valued throughout the claim process. Contact a Banning car accident lawyer on our team today to schedule a consultation.

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Walter Clark Legal Group