Banning Quadriplegia Injury Lawyer
When the bundle of nerves that send signals from the brain to the body is damaged, it could result in something minor like numbness or tingling or something more catastrophic like paralysis. These injuries are often complex because the extent of the damage depends on the severity and location along the spine. Usually, the higher up the spine, the more effect it has on the body.
An injury to the top part of the spine in the head or neck area could result in paralysis of the entire body below the injury, called quadriplegia or tetraplegia. Losing voluntary movement in your entire body is often permanent and could have a significant impact on your life and future. An injury to the spine typically is the result of a traumatic event caused by another party’s negligence or carelessness.
If you have lost your ability to move your arms and legs because of someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. A Banning quadriplegia injury lawyer at Walter Clark Legal Group could help evaluate your case and provide legal advice on your options.
Common Causes of Paralysis
The spinal cord is a soft column of nerve cells and blood vessels protected by the vertebrae bones. Direct damage to the upper portion of the spinal cord or to the surrounding vertebrae could result in paralysis below the point of the injury—like the torso, upper extremities, legs, and neck.
Usually, this type of damage occurs through a catastrophic and traumatic injury. High-speed motor vehicle collisions are a common cause of spinal cord injuries. Other causes could be acts of violence like gunshots or other weapon attacks. However, an error during surgery or other medical procedures could also result in paralysis below the neck. The bottom line is injuries that result in tetraplegia are often attributed to the negligent actions of another party. A proactive quadriplegia injury lawyer in Banning could review the case and determine who is at fault.
Possible Compensation for Quadriplegia Injuries
Tetraplegia can be truly life-altering because the consequences could go beyond the immediate medical costs. Victims must learn to adapt to their loss of mobility and independence, which could result in changes to their lifestyles, careers, and even their homes.
An experienced Banning attorney could pursue all possible forms of compensation for a quadriplegia victim injured by the negligence of another. These could include economic and non-economic damages.
Economic Damages
Economic damages are the measurable monetary costs from the injury and subsequent treatment. Medical bills and rehabilitation costs are common economic damages that could be recoverable. Other recoverable damages could include lost wages and future earnings due to the victim’s inability to continue their careers. A skilled lawyer could also pursue damages for necessary medical devices, such as a wheelchair or expenses needed to modify the victim’s home to adapt to their new limited mobility.
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages are also possible but more challenging to calculate. A seasoned legal professional could pursue damages for emotional distress or the loss of enjoyment of life. This is why it is necessary to retain a dedicated lawyer to seek as many forms of compensation as possible.
Time Limit to File a Claim
Tetraplegia injuries are a type of personal injury claim and, as such, have a time limit on when a victim may file a claim. California’s statute of limitations, California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1, states that a claim must be filed within two years of the accident that caused the injury.
It may be difficult or impossible to recover damages if a claim is filed after this time limit. This is why is it important to contact a Banning tetraplegia injury attorney as soon as possible.
Call a Banning Quadriplegia Injury Attorney to Discuss Your Case
If an accident or injury caused by another person has resulted in you losing your ability to move your arms and legs, get in touch with a Banning quadriplegia injury lawyer. A knowledgeable attorney at Walter Clark Legal Group could review your case and explain your legal options.
A tetraplegia injury could affect you for the rest of your life, and you could be entitled to compensation. Contact us today to get started on your case.