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Jackknife Truck Accidents in Banning

Jackknife truck crashes happen when the brakes lock up, and the 18-wheeler’s trailer swings outward towards the cab, forming a 90-degree angle. The accidents are often severe and may happen for various reasons, including tire blowouts, brake system issues, or loss of traction and stability.

Trucker negligence due to inexperience, delayed reactions, or an error in judgment is usually involved. For more information or help with a case, meet with a hard-working lawyer seasoned in cases resulting from jackknife truck accidents in Banning. Contact the Walter Clark Legal Group today to schedule a consultation.

Causes of Jackknife Truck Crashes

Some causes of jackknife truck crashes include:

  • Tire blowouts
  • Faulty mechanics or parts
  • Improper braking practices
  • Lack of proper vehicle maintenance
  • Poor weather conditions and slippery roads
  • Speeding and taking curves or turns too quickly
  • Driver distractions leading to slamming on the brakes
  • Improper loading, including overweight or unbalanced cargo

An attorney skilled in handling cases resulting from jackknife truck collisions in Banning could investigate and carefully review evidence to determine the cause and liable party.

Types of Injuries

Jackknife truck crashes are usually severe and can have catastrophic consequences for motorists close by when they happen. Some examples of injuries include internal organ damage, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, crush injuries, and wrongful death.

The California Commercial Driver Handbook

Before receiving their commercial driver’s license (CDL), truckers receive extensive training on safely operating heavy commercial vehicles on the roadways. One vital component is learning how to prevent or act quickly to stop the various truck crashes common for 18-wheelers. According to the instructions of the Commercial Driver Handbook furnished by the California Department of Motor Vehicles, the safe operation of combination vehicles, such as tractor-trailers, requires additional skills and training to ensure roadway safety.

The trucks are longer and heavier, making them more challenging to control. Safe driving practices allow truckers to prevent the brakes from locking, causing trailers to skid and leading to jackknife collisions. One primary way to prevent them from happening is by using the side mirrors regularly and recognizing when the trailer starts to skid. They must take action immediately by releasing the brake until the vehicle regains traction.

Collecting Damages After a Collision

When jackknife collisions happen in Banning because of negligent truckers or their employers, the injured party may seek damages by filing civil lawsuits. The amount of compensation depends on the case specifics, and the court may award damages to cover the following:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and distress
  • Permanent disfigurement and disabilities
  • Medical equipment, devices, and prescriptions
  • Medical care, including ongoing treatment and expenses related to the collision
  • Lost salary, earning potential, and benefits while home to rest and recover from injuries

Damages typically fall within two groups, and the amount the court awards depends on the case specifics. Economic or out-of-pocket expenses are verifiable monetary losses people sustain due to the crash, and non-economic damages are subjective injuries, such as pain and suffering.

Speak to a Banning Attorney About Jackknife Truck Accidents

Jackknife tractor-trailer crashes are among the most dangerous and can leave everyone involved with extensive damages and losses. Sadly, they are almost always the result of trucker errors caused by inexperience or carelessness.

The civil court protects the public by allowing injured people to hold the at-fault party responsible for their actions. If you were in a wreck caused by negligence, call a lawyer at the Walter Clark Legal Group experienced with handling cases resulting from jackknife truck accidents in Banning.

Walter Clark Legal Group

Walter Clark Legal Group