Side-Impact Truck Accidents in Banning
Given its position along Interstate 10, Banning sees plenty of commercial truck traffic pass through the area on an average day, and it does not take much imagination to understand how a truck wreck on that freeway could have devastating consequences. What many people may not consider, though, is how dangerous crashes involving tractor-trailers can be in the smaller and narrower streets around freeways—especially if they involve the truck crashing into the side of a commuter car.
Side-impact truck accidents in Banning can cause uniquely severe injuries, which, in turn, can be uniquely challenging to recover from through private settlement negotiations or a civil lawsuit. Support from a seasoned truck accident attorney at Walter Clark Legal Group could give you the best possible chances of getting a positive case result.
How Do Side-Impact Truck Wrecks Typically Happen?
There are two types of side-impact collisions that may involve commercial truck drivers in Banning, each of which tends to happen in different places and under different circumstances. The more dangerous of the two is inarguably a “T-bone” accident in which a tractor-trailer crashes head-on into the doors or side paneling of a commuter car. These collisions typically happen at high speeds and intersections after one or both vehicles involved move forward without a light, signal, or the right-of-way.
The other type of collision, a “sideswipe,” involves the side of a truck’s cab or trailer colliding with the side of a nearby commuter car. These accidents typically stem from a truck driver failing to check their blind spots before turning, changing lanes, or merging onto or off a freeway. In both scenarios, building a strong civil claim requires proving that the wreck only happened because of a specific reckless, careless, or illegal act by the truck driver, which is something skilled legal counsel could provide invaluable assistance with.
Getting Paid Fairly Within Filing Deadlines
Whether it is an individual truck driver, a trucking company, a third party like a negligent mechanic or parts manufacturer, or a combination of all of them, any person found civilly liable for a side-impact truck crash in Banning can be made to pay for every physical, financial, and psychological form of harm the injured plaintiff sustains. This can include, but is not limited to things like:
- Short-term and long-term medical bills
- Lost working capacity or work income
- Physical discomfort and pain
- Emotional anguish and trauma
- Lost overall quality of life
- Personal property damage, including vehicle repair/replacement costs and related expenses like rental car fees
Regardless of how seriously someone is injured in a wreck like this or how long their ensuing damages will continue to affect their claim, California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1 generally gives them two years at most after first sustaining an injury to file suit.
Get Help from a Banning Attorney With a Side-Impact Truck Accident Claim
Two years is not a lot of time to build a comprehensive and compelling lawsuit over a truck wreck that has left you severely injured. On top of that, this statute of limitations is far from the only legal and procedural roadblock you will likely encounter. Navigating around all of them can be virtually impossible for anyone to handle on their own.
Fortunately, you have guidance from the dependable lawyers at Walter Clark Legal Group, who have decades of collective experience helping people recover fairly after side-impact truck accidents in Banning. Call today to discuss your legal options.