El Centro Paralysis Injury Lawyer

When you sustain an injury in an accident that leads to paralysis, your life is upended in an instant. Paralysis requires lifelong medical support and care. The way you live your life and your ability to work and carry out day-to-day responsibilities is forever changed.

The true extent of a paralysis injury is difficult to assess fully, and an El Centro paralysis injury lawyer is necessary to put yourself in the best possible position to get the compensation you will need to support you now and in the future. Our catastrophic injury attorneys are here to handle the legal claim while you focus on recovery.

Common Accidents That Can Lead to Paralysis

Paralysis is often referred to as a catastrophic injury due to its permanent and longstanding effects on the individual that sustains the injury. Paralysis can happen in severe accidents involving a sudden and strong force on an individual’s body. When the accident arises due to the actions of another individual or entity, then you may have grounds to pursue compensation through a claim. Accidents that may lead to a paralysis injury include:

A paralysis injury lawyer in El Centro can go through the facts of a case to determine the cause of the accident, who may be responsible, and the amount of money that may be available based on the facts.

Liability for a Paralysis Accident

To determine whether you are eligible for compensation, a lawyer can look into the facts of the case and identify any liability of a party or entity. Liability in an accident leading to paralysis often hinges on whether negligence occurred. To establish negligence, a claimant must show there was a duty of care, a breach of that duty, the defendant’s actions caused the claimant’s injuries, and the claimant suffered actual damage.

Establishing negligence is a challenging aspect of the claims process following an immobility injury. However, a paralysis injury attorney in El Centro understands the workings of insurance companies and how to best handle a claim to achieve the best result possible.

What Compensation is Available in a Claim?

The reality of the effects and extent of a paralysis injury can become quickly apparent. Healing from this injury and adapting to the new normal following such a devastating accident is an arduous process. As a person begins to consider how to move forward, they may realize the need to seek compensation to cover the burdensome medical costs and the drastic changes to their life, including effects on their ability to earn income and care for themselves currently and in the future.

When a person is involved in an accident that causes paralysis because of the negligence of another party, they can seek certain compensation for losses from an insurance company or the at-fault party. Compensation typically available in a paralysis accident case includes:

  • Medical expenses
  • Income losses
  • Future needs for medical care
  • Future income earnings and loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

It is difficult to know how much compensation is enough to cover losses not only in the past and currently but also in the future. It is critical to hire a paralysis injury lawyer in El Centro to help estimate the losses and give peace of mind for the future.

Call an El Centro Paralysis Injury Attorney

You do not need to face this challenging time on your own. This life-changing injury will have a lasting effect on your everyday life. Contact our team at Walter Clark Legal Group for a free consultation. A member of our team can discuss your case and what options may be available to you.

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Walter Clark Legal Group