Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Palm Springs
Humans depend on their brains for so much, from fully conscious thinking to split-second reactions and processing of the world around them. As the control center of the body, a brain that suffers an injury can impair your ability to live your everyday life.
A traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion, can cause long-lasting harm, and you may want to consider a legal claim based on a serious injury. The causes of traumatic brain injuries in Palm Springs can include car accidents and other forceful impacts, and your legal claim will need to consider who caused the injury in order to recover.
Traumatic Brain Injuries Explained
Traumatic brain injuries occur when an external force is applied to the head, and the severity of a particular injury can depend on its cause and result. First, a traumatic brain injury can be characterized by whether the impact penetrates the skull and brain.
An impact from a bullet, for example, can penetrate the brain and cause bleeding and damage in the region where it hits, whereas an impact from a car accident might snap the head forward and back, causing the brain to hit the inside of the skull and swell in multiple places.
Second, a brain injury can be categorized as primary or secondary, depending on when the effects develop. Primary injuries see immediate effects and damage, such as bleeding and swelling upon impact. Secondary injuries, however, can take time to develop as the brain and surrounding tissues attempt to heal, including:
- Continued bleeding over time
- Increased pressure against the skull from swelling
- Emotional and behavioral changes
- Reduced cognition and deterioration of brain tissue
Depending on the cause of a particular Palm Springs traumatic brain injury, the immediate and lingering effects can create legally recognized damages, such as:
- Medical costs
- Lost earnings
- Pain and suffering
Making a legal claim is one way to recover these damages and hold someone responsible for causing injuries.
Legal Claims Based on Traumatic Brain Injuries
Many injury claims are based on accidents: car accidents, industrial mishaps, and even slip and falls. A brain injury can come from an intentional act, too, such as an act of violence, but most claims will involve the negligence of another person.
Negligence refers to the idea that one can have a legal duty of care and unreasonably breach that duty to cause legal damages, even if done unintentionally. So the driver of a car who drives while distracted and accidentally hits someone else might be negligent, and someone who fails to properly operate machinery and drops a heavy load on another person’s head could be liable for negligence.
Proving negligence requires evidence, both of what happened and of the damages sustained by the injured plaintiff. A Palm Springs attorney can take the lead on gathering this evidence to show the cause of a traumatic brain injury as a victim recovers.
Starting the process soon after an injury can help, as a legal claim must stay within the statute of limitations of two years set by California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1. If an injured person delays seeking medical attention and later discovers their injuries are worsening, they may risk losing their chance for compensation.
Talk Through Common Causes of Brain Injuries With a Palm Springs Attorney
Learning about traumatic brain injuries and their everyday causes can help you understand your own situation or that of a loved one. By consulting with an attorney from Walter Clark Legal Group, you can cover your legal bases and evaluate if you can bring a compensation claim.
Even if you are not sure if the cause of your traumatic brain injury gives you the right to file a lawsuit in Palm Springs, a lawyer can talk through what happened and guide you to the appropriate resources. To learn more about brain injuries and possible claims, contact us today.