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Palm Springs Paraplegia Injury Lawyer

Suffering a permanent and debilitating injury of any kind through an unexpected accident is always a life-altering experience, regardless of what your life looked like before you were hurt. However, what life looks like after sustaining a catastrophic injury can vary a lot from person to person, especially with injuries that result in partial—but not total—loss of sensory and motor function in the lower body.

Paraplegia can be a deceptively challenging condition to seek fair financial recovery for, which is why it can be so important to have a seasoned paralysis injury attorney’s guidance throughout the legal process. With a Palm Springs paraplegia injury lawyer on your side, you will be able to construct a strong civil claim and seek fair compensation for all your losses.

Understanding Paraplegia as a Medical Condition

The term “paraplegia” refers to a specific type of paralysis affecting the lower limbs, groin, and sometimes the lower half of the torso. It is almost always caused by traumatic damage to the lumbar or lower thoracic sections of the spinal cord—so, the sections below the middle of the spine—but it can also sometimes stem from widespread nerve damage caused by something like a high-degree burn.

“Complete” spinal cord injuries involving the spinal cord being completely severed will result in total and irreversible loss of bodily function below the injury site, whereas “incomplete” injuries that involve only slight tearing or bruising may only cause a partial loss of function that may not be irreversible in some situations. This distinction, along with whether muscles in affected areas of the body are “flaccid” and do not move at all or “spastic” and move uncontrollably, is the main reason why different paraplegia injuries in Palm Springs can make for very different civil claims. That is also why assistance from a knowledgeable attorney is so vital to case success.

Building a Strong Civil Claim Over a Paraplegia Injury

The primary thing legal counsel can help with during a paraplegia injury claim is establishing both that the injury actually is as severe as it is claimed to be and that it stemmed directly from a specific negligent act by the defendant(s) being sued. Accomplishing both these goals can require:

  • Comprehensive medical records
  • Both expert and eyewitness testimony
  • Various other forms of evidence from multiple sources

A skilled paraplegia injury lawyer in Palm Springs could help collect and organize all of this evidence into a strong legal claim.

A dedicated attorney could also ensure that specific losses stemming from the injury in question are valued accurately and incorporated into a lawsuit or settlement demand. Depending on the circumstances, this could mean seeking reimbursement in advance for:

  • Decades worth of medical expenses
  • Lost future working and earning capacity
  • Numerous forms of physical and psychological suffering

Contact a Palm Springs Paraplegia Injury Attorney for Legal Support

Anyone who has spent any amount of time living as a paraplegic knows that money can, unfortunately, only do so much to make up for the immense challenges that come with this condition. However, what civil restitution can do is reduce the negative financial and personal impacts that this type of injury can cause, which in turn can help you move past some of the psychological and physical losses from your injury.

You have help available with understanding and enforcing your rights under California civil law from a capable and compassionate Palm Springs paraplegia injury lawyer. Call Walter Clark Legal Group today for a free consultation.

Walter Clark Legal Group

Walter Clark Legal Group