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Palm Springs Quadriplegia Injury Lawyer

Whether it stems from a severe spinal cord injury, traumatic brain damage, widespread nerve damage, or any other cause, quadriplegia—loss of sensation and function in every part of the body below the neck—is a devastating outcome. On top of that, civil lawsuits built around injuries of this nature can be uniquely complicated on both legal and emotional levels, especially if your injury permanently prevents you from holding a job or taking care of yourself on a daily basis.

If you have suffered this type of trauma solely because of someone else’s misconduct, a Palm Springs quadriplegia injury lawyer could help you take proactive legal action against that negligent person. From ensuring you are compensated fairly for all your injury-related losses to helping you navigate around roadblocks on the road to recovery, your dedicated paralysis injury attorney could provide irreplaceable assistance through every stage of your legal proceedings.

Recovering from a Quadriplegia Injury

One of the main reasons why quadriplegia lawsuits can be tricky to effectively pursue is the fact that they need to account for every form of harm the injury in question will ever have on the plaintiff filing suit. In practice, that means identifying, assigning a fair financial value to, and demanding restitution for various economic and non-economic damages well in advance of when they fully manifest, including but not limited to things like:

  • Long-term medical expenses, including costs of rehabilitative therapy, assistive equipment like wheelchairs, and in-home assistance
  • Disability-related expenses for things like home/vehicle modifications
  • Lost work earnings or future earning capacity
  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Emotional anguish and trauma
  • Lost enjoyment/quality of life

Guidance from a knowledgeable Palm Springs quadriplegia injury attorney could be vital not just to getting paid fairly through a settlement or court verdict for these sorts of losses, but also to knowing what types of losses should be factored into a particular claim in the first place.

Getting Around Legal and Procedural Obstacles

Support from legal counsel can likewise be key to constructing and formally filing a strong civil case over a quadriplegia injury within the deadline set by the civil statute of limitations. As per California Code of Civil Procedures § 335.1, most people who get hurt in any way through someone else’s negligence have two years at most to file suit against that negligent person, even if their injury is permanent and debilitating.

Furthermore, a quadriplegia injury lawyer in Palm Springs could help establish not only that someone else was specifically at fault for causing this type of injury, but also that the injured plaintiff was not partially at fault for causing their own injury through their own misconduct. Otherwise, a court may see fit to assign a percentage of comparative fault to that plaintiff and reduce the value of their final damage award by that same percentage.

Talk to a Palm Springs Quadriplegia Injury Attorney About Your Legal Options

Filing suit over a personal injury is never a simple process, but it can be an even more complex one when that injury has an effect as uniquely life-altering as quadriplegia. No matter what type of losses you need to seek recovery for, though, you will have far better chances of securing a positive case result if you get help from qualified legal representation.

A Palm Springs quadriplegia injury lawyer could be the steadfast ally you need to obtain the restitution you deserve. Call Walter Clark Legal Group today for a free, confidential consultation.

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Walter Clark Legal Group