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Causes of Paralysis in Palm Springs

Most people move around without thinking about what it might be like to have reduced mobility or none at all. A serious injury can lead to paralysis if there is damage to the central nervous system, potentially robbing you of your ability to move at a moment’s notice.

Some of the most common causes of paralysis in Palm Springs are car accidents, acts of violence, and slip and falls. If you were involved in an accident that left you or a loved one paralyzed, you should consider making a legal claim against the responsible party, a task with which Walter Clark Legal Group can assist.

Types of Paralysis Injuries

No two injuries are the same, and paralysis can vary in type and degree. What kind of paralysis and its severity will depend heavily on the location of the injury. Understanding the various causes of paralysis, including common injuries in Palm Springs, helps contextualize how damage can impact mobility.

Paralysis can result from damage to the spinal cord, as the spinal cord transmits signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Damage to the spinal cord will affect different parts of the body depending on the region of the affected nerves. Those regions and their corresponding parts of the body are:

  •   Cervical region—neck and head
  •   Thoracic region—upper chest, back, and abdomen
  •   Lumbar region—legs and hips
  •   Sacral region—back of legs, hips, and buttocks

These regions descend from the brain, so an injury in a particular region can cut off or disrupt nerve signals being sent to everything below the injury site. A severing of the spinal cord in the cervical region could lead to paralysis of all four limbs and the torso, for example. In contrast, a similar injury to the lumbar region might only cause paralysis in the legs.

Depending on the cause of paralysis, an injury can either be complete (no function) or incomplete (impaired function). A high-speed car accident or an accident involving heavy machinery could cause a complete cutting off of nerve signals, whereas a serious impact with less force, such as from a slip and fall, might only result in partial paralysis or reduced motor function in the affected areas.

What to Expect from a Paralysis Injury Claim

Putting together a legal claim based on paralysis will involve a few base elements, such as who was responsible for the injury and what an injured person’s damages will be. Damages are how the law expresses injuries, such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost income (present and future)
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life in severe cases

Proving that someone caused a paralysis injury, if not an intentional act of violence, is where negligence comes in. A person can be negligent if they have a duty of care, breach that duty through unreasonable behavior, and cause damages, even if they did not mean to hurt anyone.

Time can be a factor, especially if paralysis sets in as time passes from the day of the injury. Injury claims must be brought within the two-year statute of limitations set by California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1, so seeking legal advice quickly could make a difference in preserving the ability to bring a compensation claim.

Getting the help of a Palm Springs attorney can make it clear that the paralysis was caused by someone else who should be made to compensate the victim. A proactive lawyer can also work on an injured person’s behalf to gather evidence, handle insurance companies, and otherwise prepare a claim as the paralyzed person undergoes medical treatment.

Many Causes of Paralysis Could Lead to Compensation: Speak With a Palm Springs Attorney Today

With mobility often taken for granted, the prospect of paralysis can bring a level of fear and anxiety, but you can hold someone responsible for your injuries and recover. With the assistance of an experienced attorney, you might be able to bring a successful compensation claim.

The causes of paralysis in Palm Springs can vary, as can the specific circumstances, so discussing your matter with a qualified legal professional can clarify what happened and what you can expect. Contact a lawyer from Walter Clark Legal Group to evaluate your case.

Walter Clark Legal Group

Walter Clark Legal Group