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El Centro Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Spinal cord injuries can happen in a flash. One moment, you are driving to work or taking part in a sporting event. The next moment, you are involved in an incident that changes your life forever. When negligence is to blame, you could be entitled to a monetary award.

You could be putting your recovery at risk by pursuing justice on your own. When you rely on the support of a seasoned catastrophic injury attorney, you can give yourself the best chance at maximizing your compensation. Before you accept a settlement offer, discuss your options with an El Centro spinal cord injury lawyer.

Complete vs. Incomplete Spine Damage

Complete spinal cord injuries are typically more severe than their incomplete counterparts. In these cases, the extensive damage results in a total loss of sensation and motor function below the affected area. This means these individuals have no feeling or voluntary movement in the affected areas.

Incomplete injuries can involve some preservation of sensory and motor function. A person might keep varying degrees of sensation or motor control below the damaged area. The extent to which these functions are preserved can vary from person to person.

The symptoms and prognosis for both types differ. Swelling of the spinal cord is common in both circumstances. As this swelling subsides, incomplete injury victims may experience some improvement in function over time. However, full recovery is rare in both cases.

Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone considering legal action. The support of an El Centro spinal damage injury attorney could also be vital for those who intend to pursue fair compensation.

How Do These Incidents Happen?

The fact patterns that can lead to these situations can also vary. Some causes of paralysis to be aware of include the following:

An experienced El Centro attorney could pursue a spinal cord injury lawsuit following any of these incidents. While each of these situations can vary substantially, they all have the potential to result from the negligent actions of another party. This can result in a viable case for compensation.

Filing Deadlines for Spinal Cord Injury Claim

With the help of an El Centro attorney, there is an opportunity to file a spinal cord injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. This chance will not last forever due to a legal deadline called the statute of limitations.

The statute of limitations applies to every type of civil suit under state law. When a person files their case after the deadline expires, the court can dismiss it with prejudice. A dismissal with prejudice is a worst-case scenario that leads to the end of a lawsuit and a prohibition on filing another one.

Typically, this deadline is two years from the date the person was hurt. There are exceptions in cases where an injury or illness is not discovered right away, but they are unlikely to apply in these cases.

Call a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney in El Centro

Having the support of an attorney who can help relieve the stress of a civil lawsuit is invaluable. This process can be challenging, but the right legal team could provide peace of mind going forward. When another’s negligence has caused life-changing harm, you could seek compensation. Call an El Centro spinal cord injury lawyer today.

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Walter Clark Legal Group