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Banning Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

When you take a prescription given to you by your doctor or a common over-the-counter treatment you bought at the store, you expect it to have a positive or neutral effect. When the medication makes you seriously ill without warning, you may have a claim against a business or individual who gave you or made the medication. Liability laws for pharmaceutical products can be complex and challenging for people to navigate, so it may be best for you to work with a Banning dangerous drugs lawyer.

Our compassionate team of advocates provides invaluable support to those who unknowingly fall victim to a medication that makes them sick or threatens their lives. We respect the vulnerability of people in this position, and we take pride in being able to apply our wealth of knowledge and resources to help them find relief. When a dangerous drug harms you, our experienced personal injury attorneys welcome the opportunity to get to know you and determine your legal options.

What Makes a Medication Hazardous?

Medications, such as injectable liquids, topical ointments, or ingestible tablets, can be dangerous due to several factors. For example, they may have an inherent manufacturing defect (such as contamination) that makes them hazardous. However, a drug can also pose severe risks to consumers when the warning label is insufficient or inaccurate.

Human error may also lead a drug to become dangerous. For example, the pharmacist may have made a mistake when fulfilling the prescription order. Likewise, the doctor who prescribed the drug may have given the patient something they are allergic to or that poses an unreasonable risk to their health.

Understanding if and when a medication is defective is a fact-intensive undertaking. It often requires a trained eye to identify what went wrong during the drug’s manufacturing or distribution process and what damages the injured patient can recover. A dangerous drug attorney in Banning could help a person determine their rights and what steps to take to pursue compensation.

When to File a Product Liability Claim for a Medication

The exact deadline for the injured person to bring their case depends on the specific allegations they are making. For example, California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1 gives many people two years to file a claim when a harmful medication injures them. However, a person may have additional time when they did not discover until later that the adverse effects were because of the medication.

Furthermore, when a person believes the pharmacist who dispensed the medication or the doctor who prescribed it is to blame, C.C.C.P. § 340.5 may require them to bring a case within three years after the injury occurs. When the victim discovers or could have discovered the injury sooner, the law may give them one year to file the claim.

Many people find it beneficial to collaborate with an attorney who is well-versed in this area of the law because these statutes of limitations are nuanced. A lawyer in Benning understands the many legal requirements a person must meet to file a dangerous drug lawsuit. We can thoroughly investigate a claim, identify the deadline, and take the necessary steps to initiate the lawsuit before it expires.

A Dangerous Drugs Attorney in Banning Could Help

Suffering life-threatening or severe side effects from a medication you thought would help you can be challenging to go through. When you believe a manufacturer, pharmacist, doctor, or other party is to blame for your situation, you may have a legal claim against them.

Our team could review the evidence in your case and let you know whether filing a lawsuit is possible. Contact a Banning dangerous drugs lawyer to schedule a consultation.

Walter Clark Legal Group

Walter Clark Legal Group