Staying Safe On Halloween: Simple Tips You Shouldn’t Ignore
Staying Safe On Halloween: Simple Tips You Shouldn’t Ignore

Now that Halloween is less than two weeks away, it’s time to start planning your costumes and mapping out the perfect ‘Trick-or-Treating’ routes with children. Throughout the Coachella Valley, countless families are prepping for this fun, exciting holiday.

Given the fact that most Halloween festivities take place at night, you should always make sure that you have the appropriate illumination to make yourself easily visible to drivers. You may be surprised by how something as simple as a wrist band can add a valuable layer of protection for you and your loved ones during your Halloween adventures.

 8 Safe Walking Tips You Should Know:

  1. Make sure your child is supervised at all times while trick-or-treating. It is dark outside, and large numbers of children will be playing and acting excited. This is a primary opportunity for your child to get distracted and wander off. Keep tabs on your children at all times, and make sure that they are never allowed to wander too far away from you.
  2. Only cross the street at corners, crosswalks or where there is a traffic signal. Remember that drivers will not always be able to see small children well in the dark. Always double check for oncoming traffic before crossing the street.
  3. Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street.
  4. Always walk on sidewalks or paths when they are available. If none are available, walk facing traffic, as far to the left of the road as possible.
  5. Do not use your phone while walking.
  6. Make sure your children know not to dart out into the street without looking.
  7. Teach your kids to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street in front of them.
  8. Carry glow sticks or flashlights while walking.

 6 Tips for Ensuring Costume Safety:

  1. Ensure that costumes fit appropriately, so children are not at risk of tripping over the material. When it’s dark outside, it is so easy for children to trip over their own feet and hurt themselves. A quick review of their costume will ensure that this doesn’t happen!
  2. Make sure your costumes and wigs are all labeled “flame resistant.”
  3. Choose shoes that fit well that your kids can walk in comfortably.
  4. Avoid walking near lit candles while wearing costumes. This is especially true when it comes to bulky costumes. Avoid a potential disaster by being vigilant at all times! a
  5. Use reflective tape on costumes and bags so drivers can easily see you, especially if your costumes are dark.
  6. Avoid bulky, heavy masks and head pieces that can obstruct a child’s vision.

Take a look at this fun video our team at WCLG has created in order to learn more about essential Halloween safety tips you can use next week!



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