Feb 12,2018
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!-15 rollover crash 1-year-old boy 1-year-old girl 1.38 million vehicles 10-year-old boy 100 deadliest days 12-year-old 12-year-old bicyclist 12-year-old injured 15 Freeway 15 freeway traffic 17 injured 2018 vehicle recalls 215 Freeway crash 3 injured in helicopter crash 37 million 4-year-old 4ShayJ 4ShayJ Foundation 4th of July 4th of July Lyft ride 5 freeway crash 5-year-old girl 6-year-old boy 6-year-old child 8-year-old boy 8-year-old boy 9 swimmers killed AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety AAA workshop Aaron Coates Aaron Erichson Aaron Hernandez AB 1316 ABA AbbVie AbbVie heart attack AbbVie lawsuit AbbVie verdict ABS ABS system ABSG Accelerated Approval Program acceleration accident accident consultation accident coverage accident evidence accident fault accident injury accident investigations accident lawyer Accident Liability accident on private property accident reconstruction accident reconstructionist accident report accident survivor accident with uninsured motorist accident witness accidental gun deaths accidents involving big rigs acetaminophen Acrylamide Adam Mata Adam Peters adaptive beam technology addiction addictive drugs Adelanto accident Adelanto bounce house accident Adelanto car accident Adelanto crash Adelanto High School Adelanto hit-and-run Adelanto hit-and-run crash Adelanto intersection Adelanto pedestrian crash Adelanto pedestrian injured Adelanto road work Adelanto rollover crash Adelanto truck accident Adelanto two-vehicle collision Adidas Adidas data breach Adidas website Adrian Abramovich Adrian Villalobos advertising Advertising Standards Authority after a car accident Agent Orange Agent Orange benefits aggressive pit bulls Air Expressway crash airbag control unit airbag death airbag defect airbag explosion airbag inflators airbag recall airbag settlement airlifted airline discrimination airline lawsuit airline passengers airline regulation airline rights airlines Airlines for America Airport Boulevard crash Alana Joerger Aldo Josue Decena Alex Azar Alex Jackson Alexandra Hendrickson Alezia Carmona allergens allergy relief ALS ALS Association ALS Ice Bucket Challenge AltairStrickland alternate routes Altria Amargosa Road closure Amazon Amazon lawsuit Amazon lawsuits Amazon liability Amazon power banks AmazonBasics recall Amboy Crater ambulance chasers ambulance ride American Academy of Pediatrics American Airlines American Bar Association American Humane Association American Lung Association American spending AmerisourceBergen AMG payday loan AMG Services amputation risk Amtrak accident Amtrak safety amusement park amusement park injuries amusement park liability Andrew Adkins AndroGel AndroGel side effect AndroGel user Android Auto Angel Fuentes Angel Salinas Angela Serrano annuities another driver answering phone while driving Anthony Wells antibiotics antidepressant drug antidepressant use during pregnancy antidepressants antilock braking system antitrust law anxiety appeal appeals court Apple Carplay Apple lawsuit Apple Valley accident Apple Valley airport Apple Valley Assistant Town Manager Apple Valley crash Apple Valley drunk driving crash Apple Valley DUI crash Apple Valley fatal crash Apple Valley head-on collision Apple Valley hiker Apple Valley hiker rescued Apple Valley hit-and-run Apple Valley intersection Apple Valley lawsuit Apple Valley motorcycle accident Apple Valley motorcycle crash Apple Valley motorcyclist Apple Valley official Apple Valley pedestrian crash Apple Valley pedestrian killed Apple Valley plane crash Apple Valley police chase Apple Valley police pursuit Apple Valley rollover crash Apple Valley school bus crash aqueduct aqueduct crash arbitration arbitration agreement arbitration agreements arbitration bill arbitration clause Arcadia firecracker incident Arizona flash flood Arizona Uber crash arthritis drug artificial disc asbestos asbestos exposure asbestos lawsuit asbestos violation Ashley Fortenberry ask your doctor asleep at the wheel ASR hip implants assault with a deadly weapon assisted care facilities assumption of risk AstraZeneca at-fault driver AT&T Mobility v Concepcion AT&T wire atal I-10 crash Atlanta Journal Constitution attorney attorney client relationship attorney ethics Attorney general attorneys attorneys general Aunt Jemima products Aunt Jemima recall Austin Ellington Austin Williams autism auto accident auto accident attorney auto accident claim auto accident damages auto accident injuries auto accident injury auto accident investigations auto accident liability auto accident whiplash auto accidents auto industry auto insurance auto insurance claim auto insurance companies auto insurance company auto insurance policy Auto Recall auto recall attorneys auto recall recalled vehicles auto recalls auto safety auto safety improvements auto safety standards auto safety technology auto technology automaker automated safety systems automatic braking automatic emergency braking Automobile Club of Southern California Autonomous Vehicle autonomous vehicle safety autonomous vehicle systems autonomous vehicle technology autonomous vehicles autopilot Autopilot Buddy Autopilot feature Autopilot software AV Avery McLemore avoid accidents award B&G Crane Babies “R” Us baby food baby injuries baby powder baby powder lawsuit baby product recall baby safety Baby Safety Month baby sleep safety baby toy recall baby walkers BAC BAC threshold back injuries back injury back seat backseat safety backup camera law backup camera recall backup cameras bacterial infection Bakersfield crash band students injured bank fraud banking banks banning infant walkers Banning plane crash Bar bar association Barbara Henrichs Bard Bard IVC filter Bard IVC filter lawsuit Bard lawsuit Bard Ventralex lawsuit Barr Laboratories Barry Cadden Barstow accident Barstow crash Barstow hit-and-run Barstow Junior High School teacher Barstow pickup truck crash Barstow rollover crash Barstow teacher killed battery fire Bay Area travel Bayer Bayer lawsuit beach chair recall Bear Valley Road pedestrian crash Beaumont crash belladonna Ben Lieberman Benjamin Pettway and Samuel TeBos Bennet Omalu Bennett Warner benzene benzene exposure benzocaine Bermuda Dunes Bermuda Dunes hit-and-run Besins Healthcare Inc. Betina Ann Peschel Betty Knight beware of dog beware of dog sign bicycle accident bicycle accident bicycle accident damages bicycle crash bicycle fatalities bicycle friendly bicycle hit-and-run bicycle injuries bicycle injury bicycle rules bicycle safety bicyclist and pedestrian bicyclist deaths bicyclist doored bicyclist injured bicyclist killed bicyclist rights bicyclist safety bicyclist struck bicyclist struck and killed bicyclists Big Blue Air helicopters big earthquake Big Oil big pharma big rig accident big rig accident claim big rig accidents big rig catching fire big rig crash big rig crash lawsuit big rig crashes big rig driver big rig driver killed big rig fatalities big rig fire big rig head-on crash big rig overturned big rig overturns Big Sur bike accident bike crash bike lanes bike laws bike path biker killed bikers bill to end forced arbitration Bill Waite biomarkers Bird Bird scooter Bird scooters birth control lawsuits birth control risk birth defect birth injury birth injury lawsuit bitten by a dog black box black out while driving Blanche Fox bleeding bleeding death lawsuit blind spot monitoring blind-spot detection blocked bank account blood pressure medication blood test blood-alcohol content Blythe big rig crash Blythe tanker truck crash Blythe woman BMW crash Bob Pack body found on hiking trail Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Boron bus crash Boston Scientific Boston Scientific lawsuit Both were Chinese exchange students at UC San Diego. bounce house bounce house accident bounce house blown onto highway bounce house injuries bounce house safety Box Canyon Road overpass crash boxing brain damage boxing personal injury boy attacked by dog brain damage brain development brain injuries brain injury brake defect brake issue braking braking issue brand name brand name drugmaker Brandon Byars breach of care breast cancer risk Brett Talley Brian Delreal Brian Donnelly Brian MacDonald bribery bribes bribing doctors Brigade Electronics Bristol Meyers Squibb Bristol-Myers Squibb Britax recall Britax stroller recall broadside crash Bruce Guilford Bruce Tillman Bryan Saldana Bryant Brazley bullying bullying lawsuits bullying victims Bump and Grind Trail burden of proof Bureau of Labor Statistics burn oil burn pit exposure burn pits burning vehicle Burrtec truck crash bus bus accident bus crash bus injury bus passenger bus stop bus stop accident Business Awards Businessman of the Year C-section C&B Croissants Corporation C8 C8 contamination Cabazon motorcycle crash Cabazon train crash caffeine and alcohol Cajon Pass Cajon Pass pedestrian injured Cajon Pass rollover Cajon Pass tractor-trailer accident California California accident laws California aqueduct California Aqueduct crash California arbitration bill California bicycle laws California big rig crash California Capitol California car accident California car insurance California comparative fault California Consumer Privacy Act California Department of Insurance California Department of Public Health California Department of Transportation California diminished value California DMV California dog bite California driving laws California drowning California earthquake California Highway Patrol California highways California insurance minimums California law California laws California lead paint ruling California lead testing California lobbying California medical malpractice California Office of Traffic Safety California payday lending California personal injury California Public Utilities Commission California roadways California schools California statute of limitations California Supreme Court California talcum powder case California travel California vehicle code California workers’ compensation California wrongful death call the police Cally Houck Caltrans Caltrans bicycle and pedestrian safety Caltrans paving project Caltrans pilot program Cambridge Analytica camera cancer cancer drug cancer drugs cancer lawsuit cancer patients cancer risk cancer treatments cancer warnings Candy Lightner canine cannabis cannabis dispensaries cappers car accident car accident attorney car accident case Car Accident Claim EN car accident compensation car accident expenses car accident fatalities car accident injuries car accident injury car accident lawsuit car accident lawyer Car Accident Liability car accident passenger car accident report car accident rights car accident settlement car accident trial car accident victim car accident with kids car breakdown car chase car crash car crash car crash into aqueduct car death car insurance car insurance claim car insurance coverage car manufacturing industry car recall car safety car safety features car seat car seat defects car seat installation car seat installed incorrectly car seat lawsuits car seat mistakes car seat recall car seat recalls car seat safety car seat safety event car seat saftey car seat webbing car seats carbon monoxide leak carbon monoxide poisoning carcinogen Cargill ground beef Cargill Meat Solutions recall Cari Lightner Carmine Combs Carnival Carrie Sutherland case evaluation Casey Speckman Cathedral City Cathedral City accident Cathedral City accident Cathedral City Crash Cathedral City drowning Cathedral City DUI Cathedral City flood Cathedral City pedestrian crash Cathedral City skateboarder struck Cathedral City traffic delays Catherine Kelter Catholic Church settlement causes of car accidents causes of motorcycle accidents causes of pedestrian accidents CCPA CDC cease and desist cell phone laws Cellebrite cement truck accident Center for Auto Safety Center for Auto Safety and Public Justice Center for Disease Dynamics Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research cervical spine injuries cervical spine injury Cesar Hernadezozuna Cesar Hernandezozuna Cessna 310 crash Cessna crash CFPB chain reaction crash chameleon carriers changing a tire charity Charity of the Month Charles Vaccaro charter bus accident charter helicopter Chase bank Chase Design Group cheer competition chemical changes chemotherapy drugs Chemours Chet Govan Chevrolet class action Chevrolet Equinox Chevrolet Equinox defect Chevrolet recall Chevron chihuahua child abuse charges child attacked by dog child dog bite child drowned child drowning child endangerment child hit by car child injured child injured in car accident child injured in crash child injured playing sports child injuries child injury child killed child killed in car accident child lead testing child near drowning child pedestrian injury child rescued from drowning child run over child safety child safety seat child saftey childhood lead poisoning children ejected from vehicle children injured children injured in golf carts children killed children left in vehicle childrens cold childrens medicine China Chiriaco Summit crash choosing the right attorney CHP officer Chris Kallgren Chris Zander Christina Estrada christmas injuries christmas promo code Christmas tree christmas tree safety Christopher Carr Christopher Palmer Christopher v. DePuy Orthopaedics chronic condition chronic medical condition chronic pain chronic traumatic encephalopathy Chrysler Pacifica defect Chrysler Pacifica recall Chrysler recall Church of Scientology movie production cigarette company cigarettes Cinco De Mayo Cipro City of Sacramento civil case civil justice civil lawsuit Civil Liability civil trial claim denied class 1 recall class action class action lawsuits class action member class-action lawsuit classrooms clawback clinical tests clinical trials Coachella Coachella car accident Coachella car crash Coachella crash Coachella drunk driver Coachella drunk driving crash Coachella DUI Coachella DUI crash Coachella Festival Coachella Festival fatal crash Coachella Festival hit-and-run Coachella Festival traffic Coachella fiery crash Coachella flood Coachella freeway crash Coachella hit-and-run Coachella pedestrian death coachella valley coachella valley Coachella Valley Association of Governments Coachella Valley Association of Governments grant Coachella Valley crashes Coachella Valley earthquake Coachella Valley heat Coachella Valley heat warning Coachella Valley heat wave Coachella Valley highway Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival Coachella Valley opioid crisis Coachella Valley pedestrian deaths Coachella Valley pedestrian fatalities Coachella Valley Preserve Coachella Valley safe ride home Coachella Valley traffic Coachella weekend closures Coachella weekend two codeine Coedee Ridens coffee companies cold medicine Colin Havens college hazing collision coverage Columbia Middle School accident coma commercial motor vehicle safety commercial vehicle accident commercial vehicle crashes commercial vehicle safety common carrier rule common law spouse common motorcycle accidents Communications Decency Act comparative fault comparative negligence compensable losses compensation compensatory damages Complete Street policies Compliance Assistance comprehensive coverage compulsory medical examination Concordia concussion concussion lawsuit concussion research concussion settlement concussion symptoms concussion treatment concussions Congress consequences of traumatic brain injuries Constitution Constitution Day Constitution Day quiz constitution facts constitution quiz construction injury lawsuit construction site injuries construction worker injuries construction zone consumer data consumer database consumer debt Consumer Financial Protection Bureau consumer groups consumer information consumer privacy Consumer Product Safety Commission Consumer Products Safety Commission consumer protection Consumer Protection Act consumer protections consumer rights consumer safety Consumer Watchdog consumers contaminated drugs contingency fee convicted felons Cornelius Turner Cornell McCarns corporate defendants corporate tax corporations Corvette crash cost of red light running Costco cough suppressant cough syrup Council for Education and Research on Toxics court CPR CPSC crash avoidance technology crash data crash in Phelan crash injuries crash into parked car crash into pole crash into wall crash liability crash report crash risk crash site safety crash test crash testing program crash victim rescued crash witness crashed into a big rig crashed into a pole crashed into traffic signal crashed vehicle credit bureau credit freeze credit score credit unions creditor lien crime scene scanner criminal case critical condition critical injuries critically injured croissant cross the street crosswalk safety crosswalks CRST cruise control defect cruise control recall cruise injury cruise line cruise line liability cruise ship cruise ship illness cruise ship injuries cruise ship injury cruise ship liabilities cruise ship liability cruise ship negligence CSI CTE CTE diagnosis Cuisinart lawsuit Cummins recall cure cancer customer authorization CV Link CVS CVS opioid initiative CVS opioid policy cyber crime cyber crimes cyberbully cyberbullying Cyberbullying Research Center cybercrime Cyclospora Cyclosporiasis D Street project Daiichi Sankyo Dail Keiper Sr Daimler AG recall Daisy Diaz Gomez Dalilah Castillo-Herrera damage caps damages Damian De Nunno danger drugs dangerous driving behaviors dangerous drug lawyer dangerous drugs dangerous heat wave dangerous holiday dangerous intersection dangerous intersections dangerous jobs dangerous places dangerous product dangerous products dangerous props dangerous roads dangerous stretch of I-10 dangerous wall dangerous workplace Daniel Bernal Daniel Velasquez Daniela Montano Dare to Prepare dark desert roads dark sky ordinances data data breach data theft David Chance David Cole David Dao David Garduno David Hoffman David Morales David R. Free David Schiller David Shulkin DaVita DaVita dialysis DaVita lawsuit DaVita wrongful death Davol Dawn Fleck daycare daycare center daycare injuries daycare injury daycare liability daycare negligence Daylight Savings daylight savings dangers DD DEA deadly Desert Hot Springs crash deadly head-on crash deadly highway deadly police chases deadly stretch of I-10 deadly tires Deanne Crews death risk Deborah Harr debt debt collectors deceased hikers deceptive marketing Deep Creek hiker Deep Creek Road crash defective airbag defective airbag inflators defective airbags defective car seat defective design defective Goodyear tires defective hip implant defective hip implant device defective hip implants defective manufacturing defective medical device defective pacemaker defective pressure cooker defective product defective product defective product lawyer defective Takata airbag defective Takata airbags defective tires defective toy defective toy lawsuit defective vape battery defective Zimmer hip implant defensive driving dehydrated hiker dehydration Delawrence Grant III delayed recall Delbert Carlile Delia Robles delivery services Delmer Sills Delta Children Delta jogging stroller dementia deny claim denying fault denying liability department of transportation deposition deposition questions depression depression and anxiety depression symptoms deputy injured deputy involved accident DePuy hip implant lawsuit DePuy lawsuit DePuy Orthopaedics DePuy verdict deregulation Desert Center big rig crash Desert Center big rig crashes Desert Center crash Desert Center motorcycle crash Desert Center rollover Desert Hot Springs Desert Hot Springs big rig collision Desert Hot Springs bus crash Desert Hot Springs crash Desert Hot Springs drowning Desert Hot Springs fatal crash Desert Hot Springs High School Desert Hot Springs pedestrian crash Desert Hot Springs pedestrian safety Desert Regional Medical Center lawsuit Desert Ridge Academy student injured desert temperatures Desert traffic designated driver deterrence device liability Dewayne Johnson diabetes drug diabetes drugs diagnose brain injury Diego Torres diesel engine recall dietary supplements diminished value diminished value claim Diocese of Brooklyn dirt bike crash disabilities disability disability claim disabled vehicle disabling injury discrimination discriminatory lending disposal truck disputed distracted distracted driver distracted drivers Distracted Driving distracted driving accident distracted driving accidents Distracted Driving Awareness Month distracted driving lawsuit distracted driving study distracted driving technology distracted pedestrians distracted walking distracted walking injury distraction distress DMV guidelines DMV regulations do I have a case do I need a police report do I need an attorney do not drive list doctor doctor abuse settlement doctor advice doctor error doctor fatigue doctor negligence doctor sexual assault doctor visit doctors medical device documentation Dodge Ram recall Dodge recall dog attack dog attack Dog Bite dog bite claim dog bite injury dog bite laws dog bite lawsuit dog bite liability dog food recall dog killed dog struck by vehicle Domingo Borjas-Diaz don't drink and drive Donald Boring Donald Trump donations doored Dorothy Hong Doug Mann downed power line downed power line crash downed power lines downsize wall downtown Joshua Tree Dr. Bennet Omalu Dr. Sidney Wolfe Dr. Teresa Brigance Drager DrugTest 5000 Drew Hunley drinking and driving drinking water issues drive shaft defect drive sober driver airlifted driver assistance technology driver blacked out driver distracted driver ejected driver extricated driver falls asleep at the wheel driver fatigue driver killed outside vehicle driver safety systems driver trapped driver who fled the scene driver’s license driverless car permits driverless cars driverless technology driverless vehicles drivers license numbers drivers stranded driveway accidents driveway safety driving after dark driving high driving in wind driving safety tips driving skills driving techniques driving under the influence driving under the influence driving under the influence of drugs driving under the influence of marijuana driving under the influence of narcotics driving with kids drowning death drowning incident drowning prevention drowning victim drowsy driver drowsy driving drowsy driving accident drowsy driving accidents drowsy driving prevention Drowsy Driving Prevention Week drowsy driving risk factor drowsy driving test drug addiction drug class action drug company fined drug compounding drug distributor Drug Enforcement Agency drug injury drug lawsuit drug manufacturer drug manufacturers drug overdose drug overdose death drug overdose deaths drug prices drug recall drug risks drug side effects drug test drug therapy drug-impaired driving drugged driver drugged driving drugged hit-and-run driver drugs drunk driver drunk driver drunk drivers drunk driving drunk driving drunk driving accidents Drunk Driving Crash drunk driving crash drunk driving crashes drunk driving deaths drunk driving enforcement drunk driving fatality drunk driving injury drunk driving laws drunk driving lawsuit drunk driving risks drunk teen driver drunk truck driver drunken driving causing injury drunken hit-and-run drunken hit-and-run crash drunken hit-and-run suspect Dubai DUI DUI arrests DUI causing injury DUI crash DUI enforcement DUI fatalities DUI gross vehicular manslaughter DUI injury DUI laws DUI offenders DUI offenders DUI suspect DUI suspects DUI vehicular manslaughter Dulex Mesh DuPont Dupont lawsuit Dustin Blair duty of care DWC-1 Dyllan Brown e-cigarette e-cigarette batteries e-cigarette companies e-cigarette dangers e-cigarette epidemic e-cigarette explosion e-cigarette flavorings e-cigarette flavors e-cigarette lawsuit e-cigarette liquid e-cigarette regulation e-cigarette sales e-cigarette side effects e-cigarette vapors e-cigarettes e-liquid E. Coli E. coli contamination E. coli illness early morning crash earthquake earthquake preparation earthquake preparedness east of Coachella ecigarette ecommerce economic damages economic loss settlement Economics and Policy EDR Eduardo Antonio Airada Bernal Eduardo Ruano education Ejected ejected from his motorcycle ejected from vehicle ejection risk El Cajon crash Elaine Herzberg elder abuse elder care elderly elderly Americans elderly driver elderly drugged driving elderly hiker elderly man elderly population elderly woman drowning ELDs electric cars electric scooter electric scooter injuries electric scooters electrical short electrocution electronic glitch electronic logging devices electronic stability control Elena Ramirez Elenilson Garcia elevated levels of lead Elijah Avila-Mott Elizabeth Hrymoc email scam emergency emergency braking system emergency C-section emergency landing emergency room emergency room doctor emergency room mistakes emergency room visits emergency services emergency stop emergency vehicle Emily Sanchez emissions Emma Vaccaro emotional distress from car accident emotional maturity emotional pain emotional problems emotional trauma employee employee arbitration agreement employee rights EMT assessment energy drink injuries energy drinks energy drinks and alcohol engaged couple engine defect engine fire engine fire risk engine fires engine stall Enterprise Environmental Defense Fund enzymes EpiPen EpiPen defect EpiPen manufacturer EpiPen recall EpiPen warning letter Equifax Equifax breach Equifax credit locks for life Equifax data breach Equifax hack Equifax security breach Equifax security website Eric Pollard Erick Rodriguez Leyva Erik Howell erratic driving Escondido crash Essure Essure lawsuits Essure recall estrogen Ethicon Ethicon Lawsuit Ethicon pelvic mesh Eva Echevarria Evan Guest Event Data Recorder events evidence evidence in a truck accident evidence of distracted driving excessive force expenses expenses after injury expert witness expert witnesses exploding airbag exploding e-cigarette exploding gas tanks exploding lithium battery exploding pressure cooker exploding sunroof exploding Takata airbag external airbags extra enforcement extreme heat extricate extricated extricated from a vehicle extricated from her vehicle ExxonMobil ExxonMobil refinery F-150 defect Facebook class action lawsuit Facebook data Facebook lawsuit Facebook privacy facial recognition facial recognition technology factory farms failed inspection failure to stop failure to yield Fair Claims Act Fair Credit Reporting Act fake service animals fake tax return fake website fall back fall hazard fall injuries falling hazards family injured FARO scanner fatal accident fatal accident fatal accident investigations Fatal Accidents fatal airbag explosion fatal Amtrak accident fatal Apple Valley crash fatal auto accident fatal Baker fatal Barstow crash fatal Bear Valley Road collision fatal bicycle accident fatal bicycle accidents fatal bicycle crash fatal big rig crash fatal big rig crashes fatal box truck crash fatal bus crash fatal car accident fatal car accidents fatal Cathedral City accident fatal Cathedral City accident fatal Cathedral City crash fatal Chiriaco Summit crash fatal church bus crash fatal Coachella crash fatal collision fatal collisions Fatal Crash fatal crashes fatal crashes daylight savings fatal Desert Center crash fatal Desert Hot Springs crash fatal dog attack fatal drunk driving crash fatal DUI fatal DUI crash fatal Greyhound crash fatal head-on collision fatal head-on crash fatal Hesperia accident fatal Hesperia collision Fatal Hesperia Crash fatal Highway 111 crash fatal Highway 2 crash fatal Highway 395 crash fatal highway pedestrian crash fatal hit-and-run fatal hit-and-run crash fatal Hollywood crash fatal I-10 accident fatal I-10 crash fatal I-10 rollover fatal I-15 crash fatal I-15 rollover crash fatal Indio crash fatal injuries fatal injuries life-threatening injuries fatal injury fatal Jeep crash fatal Jeep Liberty crash fatal La Quinta crash fatal limo crash fatal limousine crash fatal Lucerne Valley crash fatal Mecca crash fatal minivan crash fatal motorcycle accident fatal motorcycle crash fatal motorcycle crashes fatal New Mexico crash fatal Newberry Springs crash fatal Nipton crash fatal off-roading accident fatal opioid overdose fatal Oro Grande crash fatal overdose fatal Palm Springs crash fatal Palmdale Road crash fatal pedestrian accident fatal pedestrian accidents fatal pedestrian collision fatal pedestrian crash fatal pedestrian crashes fatal pedestrian hit-and-run fatal Phelan accident fatal Phelan crash fatal pickup truck crash fatal Pinon Hills crash fatal plane crash fatal rollover crash fatal San Bernardino car accident fatal San Jacinto Crash fatal scooter crash fatal self-driving car accident fatal semi crash fatal single-vehicle crash fatal single-vehicle crashes fatal single-vehicle rollover crashes fatal skateboarding accident fatal teen driver crashes fatal Tempe crash fatal Tesla crash fatal Thousand Palms crash fatal three-vehicle crash fatal tour bus accident fatal tractor-trailer crash fatal train accident fatal train crash fatal truck accident fatal truck crash fatal Twentynine Palms crash fatal Uber accident fatal Uber crash fatal Victorville accident Fatal Victorville Crash fatal Victorville crashes fatal work accident fatally ejected fatally struck fatally struck fatally struck a bicyclist fatally struck pedestrian fatigue fatigued driving fatigued hiker faulty backup camera faulty brake part faulty emissions control system faulty passenger airbag inflators faulty repair faulty services faulty Takata airbags FCC FCC fine FCRA violation FDA FDA alert FDA approval FDA approved FDA lawsuit FDA recall FDA regulate cigarettes FDA regulations FDA study FDA warning Federal Communications Commission Federal Highway Administration federal judge Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Federal Railroad Administration federal regulation federal regulations federal taxes Federal Trade Commission federalism FedEx FedEx tractor-trailer FedEx van accident FedEx van crash felony charges felony DUI felony DUI felony hit-and-run felony hit-and-run felony vehicular manslaughter female athletes female concussions fender bender fentanyl Ferguson festival traffic festivals Fiat Chrysler recall Fiat-Chrysler FICO FICO score fiery accident fiery big rig crash fiery car accident fiery charter bus crash fiery collision fiery crash fiery Highway 395 crash fiery hit-and-run crash fiery motorcycle crash fiery plane crash fiery semitrailer crash file a police report filing a police report financial fraud financial scams finger amputation hazard fire escape plan fire hazard fire pit recall fire pits fire prevention fire prevention week firecracker injuries firework accidents firework explosion firework injuries firework injury fireworks fireworks injury fireworks safety five-car collision flash flood flash flood deaths flash flood watch flash flooding flat tire fled the scene flee traffic stop fleeing motorcyclist Flonase Flonase recall flood waters flooded roadways Florencio Arellanes Bernal Florida complete street laws Floyd Olson Fluticasone FMCSA Focus vehicles Food and Drug Administration food poisoning food recall football hazing football players forced arbitration forced arbitration clause Ford and Mazda Ford defect Ford door latch Ford Escape Ford Explorer Ford Explorer carbon monoxide Ford Explorer gas leak Ford Explorer recall Ford Explorers Ford F-150 recall Ford fire risk Ford Focus Ford Fusion recall Ford lawsuit Ford Motor Co. Ford Pinto Ford Ranger Ford recall Ford recalls Ford rollover Ford settlement foreclose foreclosures forfeiture Fort Irwin crash Fort Lauderdale accident four-car accident four-car crash four-car crash four-vehicle crash Fourth of July fourth of july fireworks fracking framework for freedom fraternities suspended fraternity hazing fraternity party fraud fraud alerts fraudulent accounts fraudulent claims fraudulent loans fraudulent tax refund fraudulent tax return Fred McNeill Frederick Carlson free cab ride free case evaluation free Cinco De Mayo ride free LYFT ride free lyft rides free ride home freeway hit-and-run Freightliner crash Fresno crash Freymiller frontal lobe frozen food recall frozen hash brown frozen hash brown FTC FTC settlement fuel delivery pipe fuel leak fuel pump defect fuel tank defect full coverage funding fusion future loss of income future losses future medical treatment G159 Gabriel Ozuma Gabrielle Constante Gao Yaning garnish wages garnished garnishments Gen Miake Gene Autry Trail Gene Autry Trail wall general damages General Mills General Motors General Motors recall generic drug generic drug lawsuit generic drugmakers generic drugs generic EpiPen generosity George Huffman George Tyndall George Zander Georgia Court of Appeals GHSA Gilman Springs Road crash Ginevra Gallone-Latte Giorgio Enea Gisseth Madrid giving GlaxoSmithKline lawsuit Glen Goslaw Glendale Magpantay Gance Glenn Chin glyphosate glyphosate lawsuit glyphosate weedkillers GM GM class action GM defect GM patent GM recall GMC GMC recall golf ball contamination golf cart golf cart accident golf cart accidents golf cart crash golf cart dangers golf cart injuries golf cart lawsuit golf cart safety golf carts Goodyear Goodyear G159 tires Goodyear lawsuit Goodyear lawsuits Goodyear recall Goodyear tire defect Google Google Glass Google Maps Google self-driving cars Gorge Rodriguez Government Accountability Office government audit government benefits government liability government regulation government shutdown Governor Jerry Brown Governors Highway Safety Administration Governors Highway Safety Administration study Governors Highway Safety Association Graco highchairs Graco My Ride 65 Graco Recall Graco Table2Table Graduation Grainless Granola recall granola recalls grants GranuFlo graphic designer greed Gregory Conway Greyhound Greyhound bus crash gross negligence gross vehicular manslaughter ground beef recall Guardian guardrail guardrail end terminal guardrails Guillermo Barragan Gulf Shores parade crash gun dangers gun laws gun safety gun safety campaign guns gym gym injury gymnastics lawsuit gymnastics sexual abuse gynecomastia Hallmark toy recall halloween Halloween night Halloween night crash handheld phone ban hang glider rescued hang gliding accident Hannah Eimers harassment Harley-Davidson Harley-Davidson recall Harry Davis hash brown recall hate crime hate crime suspects haunted house haunted houses hazing hazing incident hazing lawsuit hazing victim head injury head trauma head-on collision head-on collisions head-on crash head-on crash head-on highway collision head-on highway crash head-on motorcycle crash head-on traffic collision headlight performance headlight safety headlights Health and Safety Section 1279 health and safety violations health injury health insurance health insurance coverage Health Net healthcare healthcare reform healthy sleep heart attack heart attack risk heart damage heart device heart disease heart failure heart failure medication heart valve recall heartburn heartburn medication heat exhaustion heat injury heat safety heat stress heat stroke heat-related illness Hector Contreras Heidi King helicopter crash helmet cam helmet safety helmets Hemet dog attack hernia mesh hernia mesh lawsuit hernia mesh revision surgery hernia mesh surgery herniated disc heroin Hertz Hesperia accident Hesperia airport Hesperia auto accident Hesperia bus crash Hesperia collision Hesperia Crash Hesperia drowsy driving crash Hesperia fatal crash Hesperia hazing lawsuit Hesperia head-on collision Hesperia hit-and-run Hesperia intersection Hesperia motorcycle accident Hesperia motorcycle crash Hesperia pedestrian accident Hesperia pedestrian fatality Hesperia plane crash Hesperia police pursuit Hesperia rear-end crash Hesperia Road Hesperia Road collision Hesperia Road crash Hesperia rollover crash Hesperia school bus crash Hesperia scooter accident Hesperia toddler struck Hesperia train accident high beams High Desert DUI High Desert fatal crashes high risk DUI offenders high school girl concussions high school grad high speed chase high speed collision high speed crash high speed pursuit high speed tractor-trailer crash high wind warning high winds highchair recall highchairs Highway 111 Highway 111 big rig crash Highway 111 crash highway 111 traffic Highway 138 crash Highway 177 big rig crash Highway 178 drunk driving crash Highway 18 crash Highway 247 crash Highway 259 crash Highway 274 fatal crash Highway 395 accident Highway 395 bounce house accident Highway 395 crash Highway 395 head-on collision Highway 395 truck accident Highway 58 big rig crash Highway 58 bus crash Highway 60 crash Highway 62 Highway 62 re-striping Highway 74 accident highway safety project highway work zone hiker airlifted hiker injured hiker killed hiker rescued hiker stranded hiking death hiking in extreme heat hiking safety hiking tips Hinkley woman hip implant injury hip implant lawsuit hip implant lawsuits hip implant surgery hire a car accident attorney hire a personal injury attorney Hispanic Heritage history of lead hit by uninsured driver hit-and-run hit-and-run accident hit-and-run arrest hit-and-run collision hit-and-run crash hit-and-run crashes hit-and-run driver hit-and-run injury hit-and-run suspect hit-and-run under the influence hit-and-run victim hit-and-run witness hit-and-runs record high hobby plane hobby plane crash holiday dangers holiday driving holiday driving tips holiday drunk driving holiday DUI risk holiday fires holiday hazards holiday injuries holiday injuries holiday safety holiday safety tips holiday traffic holiday travel holiday travel tips Home Depot fire pits home fires homeopathic teething tablets Honda Honda Accord recall Honda battery recall Honda brake recall Honda canvassing neighborhoods Honda Odyssey defect Honda Recall Honda repair Honda settlement hormonal birth control hormonal contraceptives horse accident horse killed horse rider horse riding hospital hospital acquired infections hospital death hospital deaths hospital error hospital infection hospital lawsuit hospital neglect hospital negligence hospital sanitation hot car hot tub drowning hotel hotel injury hotel liability hotel negligence house fire house fires house fires House of Representatives hoverboard dangers hoverboard falls hoverboard injuries hoverboards how to change a tire human trials hybrid cars Hyland’s teething tablets hypoxia Hyundai Hyundai Plug-in Hyundai recall Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Hyundai Sonata investigation Hyundai spontaneous fires I-10 accident I-10 big rig collision I-10 big rig crash I-10 big rig fire I-10 bus crash I-10 Coachella Valley I-10 collision I-10 crash I-10 crashes I-10 fatality I-10 hit-and-run I-10 motorcycle crash I-10 motorcycle crashes I-10 paving project I-10 pedestrian crash I-10 pedestrian fatality I-10 rehabilitation I-10 road closure I-10 rollover crash I-10 semi accident I-10 semi truck crash I-10 tour bus crash I-10 truck accident I-15 accident I-15 big rig crash I-15 Crash I-15 fuel spill I-15 interchange project I-15 motorcycle accident I-15 pedestrian crash I-15 pedestrian struck I-15 rollover crash I-15 rollover crashes I-15 semi crash I-15 shutdown I-15 tractor-trailer crash I-15 traffic I-15 truck accident I-40 tractor-trailer crash I-95 crash Ice Bucket Challenge IDC recall identity theft Idyllwild motorcycle crash ignition interlock ignition interlock ignition interlock device ignore vehicle recalls ignoring vehicle recalls IIHS IIHS crash test IIHS passenger crash test IKEA beach chairs IKEA recall illegal fireworks illegal hazing illegal payday loans illegal possession of firearms illegal street racing illicit drugs illness IME Imelda Sortino impaired drivers impaired driving impaired driving risks impatience impatient drivers Imperial Irrigation District improper car seat use improper lane change inattention inattention while driving incident report income tax incretin incretin diabetes drug indemnity clause indentured servitude Independence Day independent contractor independent medical examination Indian Canyon Drive Indian Canyons Trail Indian Wells Indianapolis Tesla crash Indio Indio accident Indio collision Indio crash Indio drowning Indio drunk driving crash Indio hit-and-run Indio hit-and-run suspect Indio motorcycle crash Indio pedestrian accident Indio pedestrian crash Indio pedestrian fatality Indio roads Indio rollover crash Indio traffic infant attacked by pit bull infant fatality infant injuries infant sleepers infant walker dangers infant walker injuries infant walkers infection infection at hospital Infiniti QX56 brake defect inflatable pool influence of prescription drugs infotainment systems initial meeting initial public offering injured at bus stop injured at daycare injured at school injured at the gym injured at theme park injured at work injured bicyclist injured by fireworks injured construction worker injured hang glider injured hiker injured in a bicycle crash injured in an auto accident injured in crash injured in slip and fall injured on bus injured on sidewalk injured on the job injured pedestrian injuries caused by misdiagnosis injury injury claim injury claim notes injury on property Instagram install car seat insurance adjuster insurance board insurance claim insurance claim denied insurance companies insurance company insurance company denies claim insurance company medical exam insurance company policyholders insurance company tactics insurance complaints insurance fees Insurance Institute for Highway Safety insurance policy insurance premiums Insurance Research Council insurance settlement Insys Insys Therapeutics intensive care unit interest intersection collision Interstate 8 Interstate 8 crash interstate hit-and-run investigation investors Invokamet Invokana Invokana injury Invokana lawsuit Invokana side effects IPO irritable bowel syndrome IRS audit Issac Moore itty bittys toy recall Itzel Contreras Ontiveros IUD IVC filter IVC filter trial J is for Jeep stroller J Walter Twidwell J&J Jack Dillon Young Jack Gillis JAG Transportation Jaguar Jaguar Land Rover JAMA study James Cooksey James Ray Arroyo James Scott James Tramel Janssen pharmaceuticals Janssen Pharmaceuticals lawsuit Jason Lopez Jason Wallace Jay Sekulow jaywalking JC Fodale Energy Services Jeep fuel tank Jeep fuel tank defect Jeep Liberty Jeep recall Jeep rollover crash Jeff Gance Jeffery Ballard Jemma-Linda Gonzalez Jenny Hennes Jeremiah Abbott Jeremy Lee Roses Jeremy Logue Jesse Hibler Jessica Albert Jessica Giraldo Jessica Iliano Winn Jesus Arellano-Rodriguez Jesus Cervantes Zarco Jesus Mendez Jesus Moreno Jim Koons Management Jim McDonnell Joanne Anderson jogging stroller jogging stroller recall John Boyd John Cheatham John Eagle Collision Center John Hollingshead John Kapoor John Nash death Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson baby powder Johnson & Johnson device recall Johnson & Johnson Lawsuit Johnson & Johnson pelvic mesh lawsuit Johnson & Johnson recall Johnson & Johnson settlement Johnson & Johnson trial Johnson & Johnson verdict Jon D. Wike Jon Israel Jonathan Tran Jordan Wilcox Jorge Luis Mendoza Jose Antonio Gutierrez-Avila Jose Arismendez Jose Bustamante Meza Jose Leos-Ortiz Jose Uriostegui Joseph Otting Josh Villegas Joshua Brown Joshua Tree hiker Joshua Tree National Park death Joshua Tree pedestrian dangers Joshua William Brown JP Morgan Chase Jr. Juan Escobedo Juan Hernandez Jubin Yaning judicial activism judicial candidates July 4th jury jury award jury misconduct justice Justice Department Juul Juvenal Gasca-Garcia juvenile drowning Kainoa Kahai Kaitlyn’s law Karina Dorado Karina Sandoval-Chavez Karla Brazley Kathie Barber Keith Terranova Kellen Johansen Kelly Campbell Kevin Bussey Kevin McCarthy Kevin Michaels keyless ignition keyless vehicle regulations keyless vehicle safety keyless vehicles Keyon Parks Keystone Ski School Kia glitch Kia recall Kia spontaneous fires kidney cancer kidney injury kids after accident kids and guns kids distract drivers kids hit by truck Kimberly Adkins Kinectiv hip implant Kirk King Kirpal Singh Dhaliwa Kramer Junction crash kratom kratom drug kratom supplement Kyler Kregel La Quinta La Quinta crash La Quinta drunk driving accident La Quinta DUI La Quinta DUI crash La Quinta hit-and-run La Quinta motorcycle crash La Quinta pedestrian injured La Quinta stolen vehicle labor abuse labor day Labor Day accident Labor Day weekend Labor Day weekend driving labor dispute labor laws Lake Elsinore hang glider Lakers Lamont Diondre Brandon landlord landlord liability landscaping box lane change lane change accidents lane change crash lane departure warning lane splitting lane-keeping systems large truck accident large truck crash large truck crashes Larry Nassar Larry Nassar lawsuit LASD laser scanner LATCH system Lauren Gance Law Day Law Day 2018 lawmakers lawsuit lawsuit evidence lawyer lead dangers lead exposure lead in baby food Lead Industries Association lead industry lead paint lead paint case lead paint health issues lead pipes lead poisoning lead testing leave child in a car leaving children lefthand turn legal battle legal burden of proof legal recourse for sexual abuse legal representation legal rights Lenette Saubel length of personal injury lawsuit Leonard Evans Letha Selby Lexus defect Lexus fuel leak Lexus recall LG LG Chem LGBT crime LGBTQ LGBTQ seniors liability liability liability claim liability coverage liability for sidewalk liability in an accident liability insurance liability waivers lien life-threatening injuries life-threatening injury light pole light pole crash Limbrel Limbrel recall Lime limited liability limo crash inspection limousine limousine crash limousine regulations Lincoln MKZ recall Linda Jean Brechtel Lindsay Transportation Solutions Linfield College Listeria listeria contamination listeria recall listeriosis listeriosis symptoms Lithia Motors litigation settlement program litigious society liver damage liver failure Living Desert Reserve Lizzette Lebron lobbying lobbyists Lola Espinoza long-term care abuse long-term care facility Look Both Ways campaign Los Angeles City Council Los Angeles motorized scooter Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department lose job after accident loss of earning potential loss of enjoyment loss of future earnings loss of future income lost control lost earning capacity lost earning potential lost hiker lost hikers lost job lost wages LSV Lucerne Valley crash Lucerne Valley fatal crash Lucerne Valley motorcycle crash Lucila Robles Lucius Allen Lucrecia Vasquez lung disease Lyft LYFT Promo LYFT Promo Code lyft rides Lynn Hartman MADD Magdaleno Perez Magomed Abdusalamov Mahnaz and Mohammad Khorrami major accident major Apple Valley crash major collision major head trauma major injuries major multi-vehicle collision Makayla Ramirez Malcolm Fox malice Malin Yang malpractice malpractice lawsuit man and dog killed man in wheelchair Managing Fatigue Conference mandatory arbitration manslaughter charges manual park release Manuel Moreno Martinez Manuela Cerciellorahbari manufacturer defect Maple Avenue Marc Puckett Marcia Seebachan Mardi Gras crash Margo Chase Maria Alvarado Maria Griselda Maria Soto Caballero Maria Vera marijuana marijuana laws marijuana legal in California marijuana legalization marijuana sobriety test marijuana test Mario Garcia Mario Gonzalez Mulato Mario Ortiz Marissa Garnica Marissa Vaccaro maritime law Mark Kristofferson Mark Saylor marketing defects Marriott Shadow Ridge Resort pool Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Marylou Hernandez mass tort Massey Energy material misrepresentation Matthew Hodges Matthew Lennig Matthew Marshall Matthew Seebachan Matthew Woodall Mazda Mazda airbag recall Mazda B-series Mazda recall McCain Foods recall McDonald’s McKesson McKesson Corp. McKesson settlement Mead Valley accident Mead Valley street racing Mebendazole Mecca crash Med Pay Med Pay policy Medicaid medical assessment medical bills medical care medical condition medical costs medical device medical device defect medical device injuries medical device injury medical device lawsuit medical device recall medical device risks medical devices medical emergency medical errors medical expenses medical expert medical experts medical food medical history medical issue while driving Medical Malpractice medical malpractice attorney medical malpractice case medical malpractice claim medical malpractice claims medical malpractice lawsuits medical marijuana medical mistake medical mistakes medical negligence Medical Pay Benefits medical record medical records medical standard of care medical treatment medical treatment after accident medical treatment after an accident medically assisted treatment medically cleared Medicare medication recall Medtronic Medtronic recall meeting with your attorney Melanie Perez Melissa Donovan Memorial Day Memorial Day weekend travel meningitis outbreak mental anguish mental health mental health expert mental trauma Mercedes Mercedes class action Mercedes class action lawsuit Mercedes recall Mercedes seat heater Mercedes sunroofs Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz recall Mercedez Breda Mercury Mercury Insurance fined Mercury Insurance Group Meridian Medical Technologies mesothelioma mesothelioma lawsuit metallosis Michael Bettasso Michael Douglas Williams Michael Gance Michael Horns Michael Kleinschmidt Michael Lane Shaw Michael Lennig Michael McDonald Michelle Sanchez Michigan crisis Michigan State University Michigan State University lawsuit Mickey Hunt Miguel Barron Miguel Villanueva Munguia mild TBI mind wander while driving mind wandering mini pills minimum insurance coverage mining explosion minivan crash minivan recall minivan seat defect minivans minor car accident minor injuries minor lawsuit minority lending minors Mirena misdiagnosis misdiagnosis lawsuit missing hiker Mitch McConnell mitigate damages mitigate loss mitigate risk MLTK hip implant mobile workers mobile workforce Model S recall Mojave Desert Mojave Drive Mojave Drive crash Monash University Accident Research Center Monica Benavidez Monica Hernandez Benavidez Monsanto Monsanto lawsuit monsoon season mood disorder moped accident moped crash moped driver morning sickness Morongo valley mortgage lending Moses Taylor Hospital most dangerous holiday mother and daughter killed Mothers Against Drunk Driving motor home chase motor skills motor vehicle accident PTSD motorcycle accident motorcycle accident claim motorcycle accident evidence motorcycle accident injury claim motorcycle accident lawsuit motorcycle accident witness motorcycle accidents motorcycle crash motorcycle crashes motorcycle dangers motorcycle defect motorcycle fatality motorcycle injured motorcycle injuries motorcycle rear-ends vehicle motorcycle recall motorcycle safety Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month motorcycle versus big rig motorcycle vs. vehicle motorcycle vs. vehicle accident motorcyclist motorcyclist CSI motorcyclist died motorcyclist ejected motorcyclist fatality motorcyclist injured motorcyclist injuries motorcyclist killed motorcyclist rescued motorcyclists motorcyclists injured motorists trapped motorized scooter motorized scooter DUI motorized scooter hit-and-run motorized scooter injuries motorized scooter rentals motorized scooters Mountain Center motorcycle crash mouth swab test move over or slow down moving truck crash Mt. San Jacinto State Park multi-car crash multi-district litigation multi-vechicle crash multi-vehicle accident multi-vehicle collision multi-vehicle crash multi-vehicle pileup multidistrict litigation multiple big rig collision multiple big rigs multiple DUIs multiple motorcycle crashes multiple semis multiple vehicles multitasking municipality liability murder charge murder charges MVA survivor Mylan Myron Kaplan Mysael Escobar Nagesh Roy Nancy Zaragoza Nancy Zaragoza NAS nasal spray nasal spray recalled National Fire Protection Association National Football League National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requirements National Hockey League National Institute on Drug Abuse National Park national park injury National Safety Council National Sleep Foundation National Teen Driver Safety Week National Trails Highway National Trails Highway crash National Transportation Safety Board natural gas natural opioid alternative natural products Nature Valley Navajo Nation Navajo Nation lawsuit near drowning near-drowning incident nearly drowning neck injury neck pain negligence negligence lawsuit negligence waiver negligent design negligent hiring negligent staff negligent supervision negligently designed neighborhood crash Neilson Rizzuto neonatal abstinence syndrome neutering NEV never events new car assessment program New England Compounding Center New England Patriots new laws New Mexico bus crash new teen drivers New Year’s Day crash new years day crash new years eve promo code new years promo code New York limousine crash New York State settlement Nexium NFL NFL concussion NFL lawsuit NFL painkiller lawsuit NFL players NFL players lawsuit NFL settlement NHL lawsuit NHTSA NHTSA administrator NHTSA backup cameras NHTSA Compliance Assistance Program NHTSA crash testing NHTSA investigation NHTSA recall NHTSA recalls NHTSA regulations NHTSA report NHTSA self-driving guidelines NHTSA study NHTSA warning Nicholas Kauffroath Nicholas Latino Nick Sweeting Nicole Earls Nicolett Conley nicotine nicotine addiction nicotine level nighttime crashes nighttime driving Nikos Lukaris Nissan Altima Nissan Altima transmission Nissan class-action lawsuit Nissan lawsuit nitric oxide Noah Spielman noneconomic damages nonfatal drowning incident North Palm Canyon Drive North Palm Canyon Drive crash not guilty Novartis NTSB NTSB investigation nursery equipment nursery products nursing home abuse nursing home malpractice nursing home negligence nursing home staff nursing home understaffing nursing homes NYE Oak Hills High School hazing Oak Hills Road crash occupational hazards occupational injuries ocial media Odyssey minivans off-road motorcycle crash off-roading crash Office of Defects Investigation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Ohio State oil industry oil lobbying oil lobbyists older adults older vehicles on Blankenship one class at a time Onglyza Onglyza lawsuit Onglyza lawsuits Onglyza multi-district litigation Onglyza side effects ongoing treatment online privacy online retailers online sales online shopping Operation Lifesaver opioid abuse opioid addiction opioid bill opioid company opioid crisis opioid crisis opioid distributors opioid epidemic opioid lawsuit opioid manufacturers opioid overdose opioid overdose opioid overdoses opioids Orajel Organic Consumers Association organize claim orkplace Oro Grande accident Oro Grande bicycle accident Oro Grande crash Oro Grande train accident OSHA osteoarthritis out-of-state driver ovarian cancer over the counter drugs overdose overdose deaths overdoses overnight big rig crash overnight crash oversight overturned vehicle owner-operator OxyContin pacemaker malfunction pacemaker recall Pacific 9 Transportation Pacific Coast Highway Pacifica minivans pain and suffering pain and suffering damages painkiller lawsuit Palm Desert Palm Desert accident Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce Palm Desert crash Palm Desert drowning Palm Desert DUI sweep Palm Desert fatality Palm Desert hiker Palm Desert hiker rescued Palm Desert motorcycle crash Palm Desert near drowning Palm Desert Police Department Palm Desert teen driver workshop Palm Desert Whole Foods Palm Drive crash Palm Springs Palm Springs accident Palm Springs assault Palm Springs auto accident Palm Springs bicyclist struck Palm Springs bicyclists Palm Springs bike crash Palm Springs car accident Palm Springs Cares Palm Springs construction Palm Springs crash Palm Springs domestic violence Palm Springs drunk driving crash Palm Springs fatality Palm Springs hate crime Palm Springs helicopter crash Palm Springs hiker Palm Springs hiking trail Palm Springs missing hiker Palm Springs motorcycle accident Palm Springs motorcycle crash Palm Springs pedestrian accident Palm Springs pedestrian crash Palm Springs pedestrian injured Palm Springs pedestrians Palm Springs Police Department Palm Springs police pursuit Palm Springs rollover crash Palm Springs safety grant Palm Springs street racing Palm Springs traffic Palm Springs trail Palm Springs wall Palmdale Road Palmdale Road crash Palmdale Road fire Pamela Carrillo pancreatitis panoramic sunroof parade crash paralysis parasite outbreak park injury parked car parked vehicle parking brake parking garage accident parking lot parking lot accident parking lot accident liability parking lot right of way paroxetine passenger passenger airbag recall passenger killed passenger rights passenger safety passenger safety test passenger side crash test passengers passengers rights passing vehicles passport passport data stolen passport information patient death patient neglect Patient Safety Act Patricia Arellano Patrick Candelaria patrol car Paul Mendoza Paul Revere Life Insurance Company paving project Paxil lawsuit pay for delay settlements pay medical bills payday lenders payday lending payday loan payday loan scam payday loans paying claim Payson flash flood PDACC Peach Avenue crash pedestrian pedestrian accident pedestrian accident pedestrian accident liability pedestrian accidents pedestrian airbag pedestrian airbag patent pedestrian airbags pedestrian airlifted pedestrian collision Pedestrian Crash pedestrian critically injured pedestrian death Pedestrian Deaths pedestrian detection Pedestrian Fatalities pedestrian fatality pedestrian fatally struck pedestrian friendly pedestrian friendly road design pedestrian hit-and-run pedestrian injured pedestrian injury Pedestrian Killed pedestrian killed by drunk driver Pedestrian Safety pedestrian safety grant pedestrian safety month pedestrian safety project pedestrian safety recommendations pedestrian struck pedestrian struck and killed pedestrian train crash pedestrian under the influence Pedro Basau Peggy Engleman pelvic mesh pelvic mesh defect pelvic mesh devices pelvic mesh erode pelvic mesh lawsuit pelvic mesh lawsuits pelvic mesh trial pelvic organ prolapse pending settlement Pennsylvania slip and fall perfluorooctanoic acid permanent disability permanent injuries permissive use person killed by airbag personal information personal injury Personal Injury Attorney personal injury attorney consultation personal injury attorney ethics personal injury case personal injury case evaluation personal injury case on social media personal injury cases personal injury claim personal injury claim mistakes personal injury claim reopened personal injury claim settled out of court personal injury consultation personal injury damages personal injury deposition personal injury expenses personal injury investigation personal injury law personal injury laws personal injury lawsuit personal injury lawsuits personal injury lawyer personal injury liability personal injury medical bills personal injury medical exam personal injury notes personal injury plaintiff personal injury settlement personal injury trial personal property damage pet owners Peter Godefroy petroleum Pfeiffer Bridge Pfizer pharmaceutical pharmaceutical companies pharmaceutical company pharmaceutical company consulting fees pharmaceutical testing pharmaceuticals pharmacist pharmacy Phelan accident Phelan auto accident Phelan child Phelan crash Phelan hit-and-run Phelan motorcycle accident Phelan motorcycle crash Phelan rollover crash PHEV Philip Morris Phillip Kain phishing phishing scam physical pain physician sexual assault physiomesh physiomesh failure Pi Kappa Alpha pickup truck pickup truck accident pickup truck crash Pickup Truck Recall pickup trucks Pink Wright Pinnacle hip implant Pinnacle hip implants Pinon Hills crash pinworm pill pinworms pipeline project pit bull pit bull attack pit bull attack pit bull attacks plaintiff plaintiff role in case plane accident plane crash playing with fireworks pliva v mensing plug-in hybrid pneumonia pneumonia infections poison control calls Poison Control Centers police chase police chase suspect police chases police pursuit police pursuit suspect police pursuits police report police rescue police search police standoff police suspect seach police vehicle crash policy policy limit political protest politics pollution polypropylene mesh Pontiac Aztek Pontiac G6 recall pool drowning pool electrocution pool fence pool safety poor clinical testing poor lighting poor quality headlights poorly lit Port Drivers’ Bill of Rights Act of 2017 port truck drivers port trucking companies port trucking company portable battery charger portable power banks post-holiday traffic post-traumatic stress disorder pothole power bank recall power line power line safety power pole power pole crash power scooterJesse Samuel Colin power steering power steering bolt power steering defect PowerTalk21 PPI Pradaxa Pradaxa bleeding Pradaxa side effects pre-existing injuries predatory lending preemption Prefyx PPS pregnant woman pregnant woman injured pregnant women Premises Liability prenatal testing preponderance of evidence prescription prescription drug prescription drug abuse prescription drug disposal prescription drug driving fatalities Prescription Drug Take-Back Day prescription drugs prescription painkillers prescriptions pressure cooker pressure cooker burns pressure cooker lawsuit pressure cooker settlement Pret a Manger Pret a Manger lawsuit Prevacid preventative maintenance price fixing price-fixing scheme Prilosec Primus privacy privacy violation private investigator private plane crash private profiles private property product database product defect product defect attorney product defect lawyer product liability product liability product liability attorney product liability lawsuit product recall product recalls products liability products liability lawsuit profession progestin Prolift Prolift device promo code Prop 65 proper car restraints property owner property owner liability property owner negligence Proposition 103 Proposition 6 Proposition 64 Proposition 65 Prosecution Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse proton pump inhibitors prove distraction proving liability proving negligence proving negligence in auto accident psychiatric disorder PTSD PTSD in children Public Citizen public justice public transport public transportation public transportation accident pull over pull over in an emergency punish distracted drivers punitive damages punitive trial punitive verdict Purdue Pharma pursuit policy questions for your doctor questions to ask your doctor quiet vehicle sounder quiet vehicles quit smoking quitting smoking QVS qw R.J. Reynolds race car race car driver racing crash racketeering Rafaela Vasquez railroad accident railroad crossings railroad education railroad engineers sleep apnea railroad safety railroad track rain storms Raj Nariya Ram recall rammed a police vehicle Ramon Contreras Ramon Road crash Rancho Mirage Rancho Mirage Rancho Mirage bicycle accident Rancho Mirage hit-and-run RAND Corporation Randall Lee Cline Randy Bergstrom Raul Ruiz Ray Mendez Raymond Vasquez Raymond Zimny Raymundo Rodriguez-Cordova real estate rear camera defect rear ended rear-end collision rear-end crash rear-end crash injury rear-end crashes rear-ending a big rig rearview cameras reasons to file a lawsuit recall recall delays recall injury recall news recall notice recall notices recall solution recalled airbags recalled granola recalls reckless driver reckless driving reckless driving crash recline recline car seat reconstruction project recreational marijuana red light red light crash red light fatalities Red Light Runner red light running reduce depression regulations regulatory agency Reina Madrid Rene Aragon rental car reopened repaired repeat DUI repeat DUI repeat DUI offender replace car seat report a car accident report drunk drivers reporting accident to police responsible gun ownership rest areas rest stops restitution retired football players return to work return to work after an accident revocable trust Richard Helton Richard Lowry Richard Rosas rideshare ridesharing ridesharing apps ridesharing for minors ridesharing safety riding with impaired driver right of way right on red right to trial by jury right turn on red right turns rights rights after a car accident ringing phone rising cost of health insurance risk risk factors risk for lead poisoning risky behaviors Risperdal Risperdal injury Riverside bicycle crash Riverside County car accidents Riverside county police chases Riverside head-on crash Riverside hit-and-run Riverside plane crash Riverside train crash RJ Reynolds RJ Reynolds verdict RJ Young lawsuit RJ Young verdict road closures road defects road improvements road maintenance road project road rage Road Repair and Accountability Act road safety improvements Road to Zero road trip safety road work roadside fatalities roadside pedestrian Robbie Macias Robert Alexander Robert Dyer Robert Garcia Jr. Robert Mueller Robert Prudholme Robert T. Hanson Robert Watts Roberta Lopez Roberto Estrada Roberto Gonzalez robo calls robocall robocall kingpin robocall scams robocallers robocalls Rodrigo Sanchez Roger Dannen Roger Hogan rollaway rollover rollover accident rollover crash rollover crashes Ronnie Huerta Jr. Ronnie Ramon Huerta Jr. rooftoppers Roundup Roundup cancer Roundup lawsuit Roundup verdict Rudy Castellani rule of law rules of the road rumble strips runners running red lights rural roads safe driving safe driving tips safe drug disposal safe hiking tips safe holiday Safe Kids Worldwide Safe Place to Learn Act safe ride home Safe Ride Home Program safe sleeping safe workplace safely pull over safercar saferproducts safest used cars safety safety driver safety features safety regulation safety regulations safety technology Sago Mine explosion Saida Juana Mendez-Bernardino salmonella salmonella outbreak salmonella symptoms Salmonellosis Sammy Labastida Samuel Boldissar San Andreas fault San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department San Bernardino crash San Diego dog attack San Jacinto crash San Jacinto fault San Jacinto fault earthquake San Jacinto motorcycle crash San Jacinto rollover crash sandwich company Santa Clara car crash saved from drowning SB 219 SB 33 SB813 scam scammers Schoharie crash Schoharie limousine crash school bus school bus accident school bus crash school bus law school bus safety school buses school district bullying school district lawsuit school district liability school immunity school injuries school liability schools start later SCI Science and Transportation Committee scooter scooter accident scooter injuries scooter injury scooter ridesharing Scott Tucker seat belt seat belt defect seat belt laws seat belt pretensioners seat belt safety seat heater defect seat row seatbelts Seattle hotel owner Seattle Pacific Hotel SEC second degree murder second recall Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of State Securities and Exchange Commission Security and Exchange Commission security breach see tracks think train selecting an attorney self-driving self-driving car self-driving car accident self-driving car error self-driving car regulations self-driving car safety self-driving car technology self-driving cars self-driving technology self-driving vehicle self-driving vehicle accidents self-driving vehicles selfie selfie dangers selling data semi accident semi crash semi truck semi truck accident semi truck crash semi truck crashes semi truck fires semi-autonomous semi-autonomous driving semi-autonomous driving systems semitrailer crash Senate Commerce senators senior abuse senior citizen brain injuries separation of powers sepsis sepsis infection Sergio Martinez Sergio Ramirez serious injuries seriously injured Serrano High School service animals service campaign service dogs settle your case settlement settlement agreement settlement check settlement negotiation settlement negotiations settlement offer settlement value settlements for minors Seven Lakes Country Club severe brain damage severe injuries severe injury severe TBI sex abuse sex abuse settlement sexual abuse Sexual Assault sexual assault charges sexual assault claims sexual assault in trucking sexual assault lawsuit sexual assault victims sexual harassment sexual hazing sexual misconduct sexual misconduct in healthcare sham litigation Shamoya Ferguson Shan Dee Quick Sharon Beltz shattered sunroof Shaun Clark Jr. Sheila Kaplan Shelley Ann Bunn Shelly Tucker Shelly Wicklund sheriff’s deputy sheriff’s deputy injured Sherri Booker shooting crime Shootings Shree Baez Shun Yang sidewalk sidewalk injury Sig Alert silent recall single-vehicle crash single-vehicle rollover single-vehicle rollover crash six people injured skateboard accident skateboarder skateboarder injured skateboarder killed skateboarding ski resort ski resort liability Sky Valley crash Sky Valley hit-and-run skyscraper slacktivism sleep apnea sleep apnea screening sleep apnea test sleep deprivation sleep deprivation test sleep disorders sleep magazine Sleep Research Center sleep study slip and fall slip and fall slip and fall accident slip and fall incident slip and fall incidents slip and fall lawsuit small plane crash small SUV safety ratings small-dollar loans Smart car Smart car recall smart crosswalks smart road technology smartphone smartphone companies smartphone distraction smartphone ownership smoker death smoking death smoking lawsuit smoking-related illness Snapchat Snapchat lawsuit Snapchat speed filter sober driver sobriety test soccer social media social media evidence social media posts social media privacy social security disability social security disability insurance social security income soft tissue injuries solo motorcycle accident solo motorcycle crash Solomon Methenge Son Pham Song Lo Sounique Simental South Carolina bounce house accident South Palm Canyon Drive southbound 15 freeway Southern California earthquake Southern California port trucking company southern California storms Southern California traffic special damages special enforcement operations speed limit speeding Spencer Meyer spending spinal cord spinal cord injuries spinal fracture spinal injury Spondylolisthesis sponsored cab rides sponsored LYFT rides spontaneous fires sports accident sports hazing sports injury sports negligence spring forward SSDI SSRI St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick’s holiday St. Patty's Day Stagecoach Country Music Festival standard of care standard of proof standing outside their vehicle Stanley Cleveck Starbucks arbitration Starling Crossing Start School Later nonprofit State Farm State Insurance Commissioner state of California state opioid lawsuit state park injury state park rescue State Route 58 crash statute of limitations steering wheel defect Stephen Eimers Stephen Lanso Steve Eimers Steven Howlett Steven Kilty Steven Rodriguez Stewart Dolin Stewart Parnell stolen vehicle stop for school buses stop sign stop sign runner stop smoking clinic stopped vehicle storm damage stranded hiker stray dog street lights street racing street racing crash strict liability stroller defect stroller recall strong winds struck a power pole struck and injured struck and killed struck by a bus struck by a car struck by a FedEx van struck by a train struck by a vehicle struck by an SUV struck on Mojave Drive struck two motorcyclists struck while crossing the street Stryker Stryker femoral head Stryker hip implant Stryker hip implant device Stryker hip implant lawsuit Stryker hip implants Stryker lawsuit Stryker lawsuits Stryker recall Stryker settlement stuntman Subaru Subaru recall subrogation substance abuse success stories successful personal injury claims sudden acceleration sudden braking sue banks sue sexual assault suicide suicide warning summer break summer camp summer camp injuries summer camp risks summer road trip summer road trips sunroof sunroof regulations sunroof safety SUPPORT for Patients and Communities supreme court surgery surgical error surgical mesh lawsuit surveillance camera surveillance footage surveillance video suspect at large suspension issue suspicious activity SUV SUV rollover SUV safety SUVs swimming pool safety risks synthetic opioids T-boned Tacoma recall tailgate tailgate defect tailgating tailgating accident tailgating liability Takata Takata Airbag Takata airbag death Takata airbag fund Takata airbag inflator Takata airbag inflators Takata airbag recall Takata Airbag Tort Compensation Trust Fund Takata airbags Takata criminal investigation Takata defect Takata Individual Restitution Fund Takata injury claim Takata lawsuit Takata recall Takata repair Takata restitution Takata settlement talc talcum powder talcum powder cancer talcum powder lawsuit talcum powder ovarian cancer talcum powder trial talcum powder verdict tanker crash Taryn Rogers tax fairness tax loopholes tax scam tax season tax season scam taxi accident taxi death TBI TBI lawsuit TBI liability TBI risk factors technical service bulletins tectonic tremors teen brain development teen driver teen driver accidents teen driver safety teen drivers teen driving teen driving safety teen drunk driving teen e-cigarette epidemic teen pedestrian teen pedestrian struck teen smoking teen vaping teen vaping crisis teen vaping epidemic teen vaping trend teenage boys teenage driver teenage driver accidents teenage drivers teenager injured teething remedies telemarketing calls telemarketing scams Tempe e-cigarette explosion tempered glass tenant tenant liability Teresa Basau Tesla Tesla accident Tesla Autopilot Tesla Autopilot crash Tesla battery Tesla class action Tesla crash Tesla defect Tesla explosion Tesla glitch Tesla investigation Tesla lawsuit Tesla Model S Tesla Model S recall Tesla Model X Tesla recall Tesla unintended acceleration testicular cancer testify testosterone replacement testosterone replacement therapy Teva Pharmaceuticals Texas church bus crash Textalyzer texter liable texting and driving texting and driving accident texting and driving lawsuit texting drivers texting while driving Thanksgiving injuries Thanksgiving night crash thanksgiving promo code Thanksgiving safety tips Thanksgiving traffic Thanksgiving weekend THC level The Coachella Valley Association of Governments theme park Thermal DUI crashes Thermal fatal accident third party claim Thomas Barnett Thomas Buckner Thomas Demetrio Thomas R Kline Thonglinh Khemphomma Thousand Palms Thousand Palms Canyon crash Thousand Palms crash Thousand Palms erratic driver Thousand Palms pedestrian crash three people injured three-car collision three-car crash three-point restraint three-time DUI offender three-vehicle collision three-vehicle crash three-wheeled motorcycle thrown from his bike tianaa tianeptine Tiger Woods Tiger Woods arrested Tiger Woods drugged driving time change Time Warner Cable Timothy Iborogu tips for driving around pedestrians pedestrian fatalities tire defect title loans tobacco companies tobacco company verdict tobacco regulation Todd Tracy toddler boy toddler drowned toddler drowning incidents toddler drowns toddler lead testing toddler struck by vehicle tour bus tour bus crash Tour de Palm Springs Tour de Palm Springs bicyclist tow truck tow truck crash tow truck driver Towmax Towmax class action Towmax tires toxic vapors Toyota Toyota acceleration defect Toyota defect Toyota lawsuit Toyota Prius Toyota Recall Toyota safety issues Toyota Tacoma Toyota Tacoma tractor-trailer tractor-trailer accident tractor-trailer crash tractor-trailer driver tractor-trailer jackknifed tractor-trailer rear ended Tracy Morgan traffic traffic conditions traffic control box crash traffic deaths traffic delays traffic enforcement traffic fatalities traffic safety traffic safety grant traffic signs Trail in Mecca trailer tires train accident train accidents train crash train safety train safety tips Tramonto slide accident trampoline injury trampoline park liability trampoline park waiver trampoline parks transmission defect transportation expenses TransUnion TransUnion lawsuit TransUnion verdict trapped driver trapped in her vehicle trapped in vehicle traumatic brain injuries traumatic brain injury traumatic brain injury travel safety Travis Kalanick Trent Scott trial trial attorneys triple digit temperatures tripping injuries Troy and Alana Pack truck accident truck accident claim truck accident fatalities truck accident liability truck accident settlement truck accident statistics truck accidents truck crash truck crashes truck driver truck driver abuse truck driver arrested truck driver exploitation truck driver fatigue truck driver liability truck driver negligence truck driver sexual assault truck drivers truck drivers log truck drivers sleep apnea truck loses control truck overturned truck recall truck safety truck stops trucking trucking accident trucking companies trucking company Trucking Company trucking company labor abuses trucking company liability trucking company settlement trucking company violations trucking corridor trucking industry trucking industry trucking regulations trucking safety TV commercials Twentynine Palms motorcycle accident Twentynine Palms pedestrian fatality Twentynine Palms rollover crash two bicyclist two big rig accidents two children two fatal I-10 crashes two pedestrians two pedestrians injured two pickup trucks two recalls two-lane road two-vehicle crash two-vehicle rollover crash Tylenol Tylenol extra strength type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes drug types of coverage Tyrone Dixon Tyrus Lamont Lindsey U.S. Constitution U.S. Law day U.S. lawsuits U.S. recalls U.S. traffic deaths Uber Uber background checks Uber CEO Uber class-action lawsuit Uber company policy Uber crash Uber data breach Uber lawsuit Uber Promo Code Uber safety driver Uber self-driving accident Uber self-driving car accident Uber settlement Uber sexual assault Uber sexual assault claims Uber terms of service UCL Institute of Neurology UCLA UI suspect UIM ulcers ultralight plane Umbrellium unaccompanied minors unapproved drugs unapproved fees unborn baby killed underinsured motorist underinsured motorist coverage understaffed nursing home unethical attorneys unethical practices uninsured driver uninsured motorist uninsured motorist claim uninsured motorist coverage uninsured motorist insurance unintended acceleration Union Pacific United Airlines United Airlines passenger United lawsuit United States Constitution University of Michigan survey unlicensed driver unmarked crosswalk unoccupied car unrepaired recalls unsafe driving unsafe drug unsafe highway guardrails unsafe passing unsafe sidewalk unwanted calls US constitution USA Gymnastics USA TODAY investigation USC USC doctor abuse USC settlement used car safety used cars Utah crash Utah Tesla crash utility pole utility pole crash VA VA benefits VA disability VA loans VA secretary vaginal mesh vaginal mesh lawsuit Vail Summit Resorts Valdivia valsartan value of personal injury case Vanessa Torres vape vape battery vape battery lawsuit vape flavorings vape liquids vape pen explosion vaping vaping dangers vaping illness vaping illnesses vaping liquids vaping side effects vehicle vehicle age vehicle automation vehicle breakdowns vehicle breaks down vehicle broadsided Vehicle Code 21703 vehicle collision vehicle death vehicle defect vehicle design vehicle design regulation vehicle engulfed vehicle fire vehicle fires vehicle injury vehicle maintenance Vehicle Recall vehicle recalls vehicle rollaway crash vehicle safety vehicle safety features vehicle safety recalls vehicle safety technology vehicle T-boned vehicle technology vehicle theft vehicle value vehicle versus motorcycle collision vehicle-train collisions vehicle-versus-motorcycle crash vehicular crash vehicular death vehicular injury vehicular manslaughter verdict verdict overturned verdicts vet candidates veteran injuries veterans Veterans Affairs veterans benefits veterans burn pit exposure veterans compensation claim veterans disability benefits veterans injured veterans rights Veterans University vetting Viberzi Viberzi warning vicaine vicious dog attack vicious dog attack Vicki Hill victim airlifted victim extricated victims airlifted Victor Bibby Victor Valley fatal crashes Victorville Victorville Accident Victorville aqueduct accident Victorville bicycle accident Victorville big rig crash Victorville bus stop Victorville car accident Victorville car fire Victorville crash Victorville crashes Victorville critical injuries Victorville disposal truck crash Victorville dog attack Victorville DUI Victorville fatality Victorville head-on crash Victorville hit-and-run Victorville hit-and-run Victorville motorcycle crash Victorville near drowning Victorville pastor Victorville pedestrian accident Victorville pedestrian crash Victorville pedestrian killed Victorville pedestrian struck Victorville police chase Victorville police pursuit Victorville power outage Victorville pursuit suspect Victorville rear-end crash Victorville road project Victorville rollover Victorville rollover crash Victorville semi accident Victorville sheriff’s deputy VIctorville Sheriff’s Station Victorville skateboarding crash Victorville street racing Victorville three-vehicle collision Victorville three-vehicle crash Victorville tractor-trailer crash Victorville traffic delays Victorville truck accident Victorville vehicles submerged Viki Odintcova violation violent dog vision loss Vista Chino crash Volkswagen defect Volkswagen recall Volunteer Palm Springs vote for Business Awards VVTA bus W-2 scam Wachovia Bank wage garnishments waiver waiver of liability waivers walmart v dukes Walter Clark Walter Clark Legal Group Walter Clark Legal Group clients Walter Huang war on consumer protection warning warning letter Washington State Department of Labor & Industries water saftey watering Christmas tree waterspout accident Waymo Wayne Porter weather damage website data breach Wells Fargo Wells Fargo arbitration Wells Fargo computer error Wells Fargo fraud Wells Fargo fraudulent accounts Wells Fargo lawsuit Wells Fargo settlement Wendy Dolin wet lung disease what are my rights what not to do after an accident what to do after car accident what to do after crash Wheaton College wheelchair when to hire an attorney whiplash whiplash injury whiplash injury claim whiplash symptoms whistleblower white collar defendants Whitewater crash Whitewater Preserve Whitewater River Whole Foods security breach Whole Foods taproom wholesale drug company will attorney take my case William Rojas wind advisory window shattered windy weather winter storm witness witness statement witnesses woman struck by vehicle work injuries work injury Worker’s Compensation workers compensation doctor workers injured workers rights workers’ compensation benefits workers’ compensation laws workers’ compensation requirements working after injury working after injury workplace workplace accidents workplace death workplace fatalities workplace hazard workplace injuries workplace injury workplace issues workplace safety violations worst insurance companies Worst Pills Best Pills News Wrightwood crash wrong-way accident wrong-way collision wrong-way crash wrong-way crash program wrong-way drivers Wrongful Death wrongful death claim wrongful death claimant wrongful death damages wrongful death lawsuit wrongful death lawyer wrongful termination Wu Yongning X-Lite end terminal X-Lite guardrail Xarelto Xarelto bleeding Xarelto lawsuit Xarelto side effects yohimbe young athletes young drivers young millennial drivers young millennials young pedestrian young people youth e-cigarette Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan Yovonne Navarette Yucca Valley crash Yucca Valley DUI Yucca Valley hit-and-run Yucca Valley motorcycle crash Yucca Valley protest Yulissa Estrada Zendrive Zendrive study Zhenkui Li Zimmer Zimmer hip implant Zimmer Inc. Zimmer lawsuit